Iran... Iran so far away...

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
So I was getting my weekly dose of televangelism this morning and the first thing I hear concerns Iran: how we, as Americans, if we want to stay in good favor with God, MUST invade Iran. One of the reasons was because Iran is believed to have something called an EMP, an Electromagnetic Pulse that can destroy all power in America in a billionth of a second, "destroying electrons" and "bathing everyone in gamma rays." It will make all electricity in America obsolete and our empire will fall. The congregation was enthralled, I smelled bullshit. So I did what any curious individual would do: I looked it up. I learned the following:

- First the obvious: it doesn't create Gamma rays, which I'm pretty sure would just kill everyone. It doesn't destroy electrons... apparently this preacher is not aware that electrons are... well... EVERYWHERE, and this idea is ridiculous as in "1950s sci-fi film" ridiculous.

- An attack with an EMP would likely have to come from a plane or a surface-to-air type deal from a short radius. Per wikipedia: "This would limit the EMP effect because the height of the explosion would be much lower than that needed to be above the visual horizon of the entire United States. Also, the power of the weapons would typically be hundreds if not thousands of times smaller than optimum, and thus the effect would be significantly smaller than that of a larger weapon. Thus, scenarios depicted in science fiction where small weapons create gigantic effects are not completely accurate, often having been exaggerated for the purposes of artistic license and dramatic effect."

- To even begin working on an EMP, Iran would HAVE to have a nuclear program. National Intelligence Director John Negroponte (haha) says that Iran simply does not have the material to create a nuclear bomb. The CIA's national intelligence estimate concluded that Iran was at least 10 years away from manufacturing nuclear weapons, if not more. Fuck, even the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors say that there is NO evidence of a weapons program... and most certainly not anything as far-fetched as an EMP.

So it seems my bullshit-detector wasn't just going haywire. I put "EMP Iran" into a search engine and EVERY LINK was to a conservative and/or Christian website talking about how the threat of an EMP was immanent and that we must invade Iran immediately. It reminds one of 3 years ago when they told everyone Saddamn had drone planes with GPS maps. Apparently, people like FoxNews have peen pushing the EMP idea, playing on viewers fears that have been perpetuated not by RESEARCH but by Hollywood. Escape from LA, The Matrix, Oceans 11, War of the Worlds, etc have all utilized the mythical attack of the EMP, causing every southern American to shit his pants in fear.

If God wants America to go to Iran, He will have to find something that has a bit more credibility. But when it comes to fooling the American people, FoxNews certainly know what they are doing. It won't be long before Bush is telling us we need to go to Iran as "protectors of the free world" in hopes of combating an EMP attack.

*As a side note, I was watching FoxNews also this morning... they had a woman on there telling us that soaring gas prices were HELPING America because all the big companies could start investing all that extra money. :lol: God bless conservative capitalism...
<<*As a side note, I was watching FoxNews also this morning... they had a woman on there telling us that soaring gas prices were HELPING America because all the big companies could start investing all that extra money. God bless conservative capitalism...>>

Only on Fox...must be a disguised lobbyist, or someone just as deep in their pockets as Bush...
I was in Wal-Mart in Taylorsville, NC a few weeks ago and decided to check out the book section. A bunch of thriller paperbacks and a Christian Inspiration section. Guess what: half of the books in the Christian section were ABOUT HOW WE MUST GO TO IRAN! Look on Amazon... countless books by "experts" that have recently been published, most with strong connections to the church.

Let's face it: mainstream religion is nothing more than a governmental propaganda tool. That's not to say that all Christians in America are nutjobs. Mostly the ones on TV or with media outlets.

Notice you don't really see politics in black churches. They mostly just sing praises and have excited sermons. Sure, it's funny to watch but at least it has... spiwit!

They are pretty much interdependent. However, there's no doubt that right now religion IS the tool, considering all the higher-ups in the government/business world are getting the most out of "the people." Either this government DOES feel sanctioned by God to do what they do (which is hella-scary) or they're just using it to gain support. If Christianity IS in charge of the government, then we are a theocracy. And that's real bad. But it's not far-fetched.
News flash:

Religion being either an impetus, or a justification for government action is nothing new.

The only difference now is that it's on a global scale now, and some people should just stick to their own sphere of influence.
<<some people should just stick to their own sphere of influence.>>

News flash:

Yeah right.

I need to find that video of Frank Zappa on Crossfire where he talks about America becoming a fascist theocracy and gets dismissed by the others on the show. And then he totally owns some pro-PMRC writer for the Washington Post.
Dick Sirloin said:
Notice you don't really see politics in black churches. They mostly just sing praises and have excited sermons. Sure, it's funny to watch but at least it has... spiwit!

5 stars.

Also I think it's rad you watch televangelism on a regular basis, because so do I. My favorite is the short stubby dude with a small face who talks about beating his grandchildren, and then Crazy Big Lips who NEVER FORMS A COHERENT SENTENCE and crawls all over the pews. I forget that guys name but seriously, his train of thought is constantly derailed, and everyone "praise Jebus" and "heehaws" away. It's fucking amazing.
NAD: you really really really really really really really need to visit the south sometime. The comedic value will lengthen your life by 5.5 years. I'm kinda jaded to it... It would be like if you watched Blazing Saddles for the first time it would be fucking hilarious, but after 50 viewings the humor isn't as effective. That's what it's like living in the south. You're around this stuff so much that it's not really that funny anymore.

Goddamn, I spent 30 seconds trying to spell "lengthen"
Dick Sirloin said:
<<some people should just stick to their own sphere of influence.>>

News flash:

Yeah right.

what, so you're disagreeing that the US should just stick to internal concerns and stop screwing with the rest of the world?
MajestikM&#248;&#248;se said:
what, so you're disagreeing that the US should just stick to internal concerns and stop screwing with the rest of the world?

:guh: I told you to stop smoking the crack rock, didn't I? :err:

YOU: Teh amerikkka should mind they own biz-nay.
ME: I will facetiously point out that that will not occur anytime in the near future...
Haha, If America "minded its own business" lots of shit would go wrong. That isn't just some gay pro-American Patriotism.