IRC chat scheduled for the 26th

if someone wants to log it and post the transcript here afterwards, headbang in my general direction, as i'm not sure i'll be available on that fateful day. if noone shows up i'll be the one saving mankind, no matter the cost. ;)
I must remember that...

MIRC still works
54 Script still works
Invision still works
Excursion still works

OK, all 4 IRC versions work :D

omg *faints*
i'll be there, i keep logs *headbangs* *faints again* omgkthxbye :D

@rahvin: psssst what time is that for me? :D
Maybe this forum will not have posting for a few hours *faints*

For the day or two leading up to the chat, this should be sticky, so one of our moderators should do that :)

very nice i'll be there

Tranquil Chaos said:
pretty sweet, i wonder if there is a limit on how many people in the room though? (not familiar with irc)

that wouldn't be a bad idea... or to actually set the channel to moderate (which regulates who can talk, to talk you get a +v (voice)) and voice people to talk cause you'll probably get like 200 people going "OMG ITS DT< HI HIHIIHI"
* Prepares to bombard the band members with questions like "When's the DVD coming out?" and "Please come to __________ (fill in name of country)" *

@the headbanging mermaid: 8pm. i'm gonna send you a message on the phone to remind you. ;)

@steve420: good idea, i'll make this thread a sticky on the 23rd-24th.

@hearse: mommy! :Spin:
uhmmmmm count me in...the unholy pizzeria can't hold me now muahahaha!!!!

i will put a reminder on my phone or I'll miss it as the usual alzheimer little fluffy ill bastard i am :err:

fathervic (your basic :err: )
26th of july? ok, i got 9 days to remember how to use the MIRC thingie, haven't used that program for 9 months!! back in the days of the mahke channel.:loco::D
Fucking hell, and I'm coming back from my summer house on the 27th (well, I'm not there right now, but at a friend's house in Espoo, because my mom kicked me out of home, but I'm going back to our summer house on the 22nd) :p
Ormir said:
Fucking hell, and I'm coming back from my summer house on the 27th (well, I'm not there right now, but at a friend's house in Espoo, because my mom kicked me out of home, but I'm going back to our summer house on the 22nd) :p

Would that have anything to do with how drunk you were in this picture?

I'll be there! I'll be there! I'll, too, put a cellph...
... erm, I'll make a knot on my finger with a handkerchief :rolleyes:

Alfred (a million menus of light)
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Alfred said:
I'll be there! I'll be there! I'll, too, put a cellph...
... erm, I'll make a knot on my finger with a handkerchief :rolleyes:

your cellphone does not ring audibly anyway, so i really hope your finger does. :p