DARK TRANQUILLITY news update 2002-03-12

but we are not GMT +1,we are one hour ahead (whatever that may mean ;) :p :loco: )

hmmm i'll superpossibly be here,maybe i'll come to the chat...don't expect me to ask anything though.... :zzz:
well mel said it all siren.....I didn't forget greeks, 'cause you're not the honoured ones :P

and I'll try to be here too....may be I'll be able to change some days at work!
i'm too shocked to post on this thread. no, the fact that i don't have silly time-conversions to do doesn't help. ;)

it might be because i've slept too little, or because i got some work to do, or because a few days ago my chances for a writing career increased, or because today i'm gonna meet someone who's troubling my system.

then again, it might just be new album new album new album they're playing the new album album album new i don't i'm not they've heard it new album it does exist i'm not hearing it album new album new album playing new album something else altogether.

The fact the time-coversion isn't my actual purpose with this post, doesn't mean I won't post here. :loco:

@Rahvin: Don't be a liar, the work never was a problem for you in the past. But I trust on these new factors rising on the horizon of your life, so TELL US about your increasing opportunities to become a professional writer, just after telling us about that someone who stole your he... who caused that troubling in your system (thought I was the only one with an integrated system and pheripeals around my body :p ). Bad friend, baaaaad friend. You left the "dreams" thread without expose these ones.

|ngenius (thirsty of knowledge... and sometimes feeling a bit curious)
Originally posted by |ngenius
Bad friend, baaaaad friend. You left the "dreams" thread without expose these ones.

you mean you want me to expose them here? :)
besides, i'm exposed enough already, thank you so much. ;)

however, i was just trying to imply that my reasons for being shocked were very dt-related new album new album new album mubla wen mubla wen mubla wen and have nothing to do with those factors. a brief synopsis:
a. sleeping: i almost never do, the screen light has a terrible effect on my facial muscles and i spend whole nights just staring in the dark even though i'm tired. but that's chupi, really. :spin:
b. work: in fact, i found out today i have to hurry up with some library webpages i've done next to nothing about in the last few months, but that's chupi, too, because nobody knows s**t about webpages here so noone will complain anyway. :spin:
c. career: it's better to keep a low profile until i've got something to prove for it, but as of now let's just say i've received a few encouraging words and some chance to express myself in the near future. that's chupi, of course. :spin:
d. someone: nobody ever steals my he... ;) :spin:

let's keep it up on the dream thread, though.

rahvin. (event horizon)
I mean nothing, do what you want, but if you don't want/like express them here, just say nothing about them, or my sensible curiosity will kill the cat. :p

I'd the same problem with the screen light, so I can't go to the cinema so often. Even I don't go out during the daylight since years, and I've got a little problem with my edged eyetooth, and each night I feel a strange blood thirst...

Concerning your written works, I've a particular interest on them. I mean, I guess they're written in italian, but I don't know much more about. I used to write, obviously in spanish, and I'd received so many congratulations and encouraging comments about my modest works (often short stories), but noone under a professional sight (except my philosophy teacher).

Originally posted by |ngenius
I mean nothing, do what you want, but if you don't want/like express them here, just say nothing about them, or my sensible curiosity will kill the cat. :p

I mean, I guess they're written in italian, but I don't know much more about.

i can accept your curiosity to kill the cat or other pet friends (not bears, though), if you accept my posting as much as i like on any given subject. :p

as for my 'works', i write short stories in italian. they're usually humorous in a caustic, scathing kind of way and they mostly deal with altered common life situations or movie/books stereotypes. i don't shun fantasy, but it gets tiresome soon (writing it, i mean). and yes, they're in italian. but i'll send you translations in spanish when i'm rich and famous. ;)

rahvin. (boasting shamelessly about the future)
Originally posted by rahvin
i can accept your curiosity to kill the cat or other pet friends (not bears, though), if you accept my posting as much as i like on any given subject. :p

The advocate does agree, he'll accept.

About the pet killing, "the curiosity killed the cat" is a direct translation of a common and popular spanish proverb. :grin:

Hope I can read these stories a bit before of your imminent enrichment, even in italian.

Hey, now someone, please give my an idiot-proof step-by-step guide of how to participate in that chat.

I have never used IRC. :o

-Villain (IT-invalid)