Undercover Shredder
dead6skin6mask6 said:<Phasom> e-mail him
<sentient6> no

hahaha you took it out of context bud - that no was to my question.
dead6skin6mask6 said:<Phasom> e-mail him
<sentient6> no
you want a short version of the entire night?Dead_Lioness said:errr......... thats so long !
im not gonna read this whole thing... anyone care to give me a little short version?
Dead_Lioness said:ah.
good thing i didnt read all that then
thanks Steve !
as for you LoM: im not even gonna bother with what you said there about Emperor.
shame on ya.
Maharet were pretty weird last night and Nico...even for you guys that was nuts...O____o