Irelands NEW Power Symphonic Speed Metal sensations!!

Nov 6, 2002
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Hail brothers and sisters of all things true! You can at last download a full song from our forthcoming demo cd. Full cd coming soon, this song will give you a sample of the kind of songs you will hear on the demo - but bear in mind, all 6 songs are VERY different, all offering something very distinctive in it's own right.

For those who appreciate fast passionate and heartfelt melodic speed metal with some sweeping melodic vocal lines and some more original folky elements.. download it now!

The forest is calling... but who shall enter?

May the speed be with you
Wow Crystal King, this is great news!
I did download the full track, and I really like it! I must say you guys are some excellent musicians!
The production is ok, though the drum sound could be better.. I mean your drummer is absolutely fabolous, but the sound could maybe be a little clearer. The other instruments sounds very good.
Your band is indeed interesting, and you should keep us updated with news about your forthcoming demo, which by the way has a awesome cover, hehe.. I'll buy it.
Very good symphonic speed metal!

NP: Dark Crystal - Warrior of the forestland :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I've had the track for sometime now and it's great. I gotta admit I was a little worried with how long It'd been since I first downloaded the instrumental demos (off a yahoo account if I remember correctly :). ) Looking forward to hearing more from you guys.
Symphony said:
When's the Dark Crystal website going live?

Soon my friend! Thats the only answer I can give.. I got involved in a lot of things in the past few months, including a new job as well as theatre (touring with a show), so it's a case of getting round to it!
The Crystal King said:
Hail brothers and sisters of all things true! You can at last download a full song from our forthcoming demo cd. Full cd coming soon, this song will give you a sample of the kind of songs you will hear on the demo - but bear in mind, all 6 songs are VERY different, all offering something very distinctive in it's own right.

For those who appreciate fast passionate and heartfelt melodic speed metal with some sweeping melodic vocal lines and some more original folky elements.. download it now!

The forest is calling... but who shall enter?

May the speed be with you

Sounds incredibly interesting, but I'm sorry to say, I refuse to use They are wholly owned by a French company, and well, I'm boycotting France and French products.

Is there another way I can hear the band?
Hehe, why is that dude? Boycotting France and French products..interesting..maybe I too should be thinking about doing that..:D

NP: Helloween - The Chance (why is one of their best songs ever on their worst album ever? :))
Hey guys, I don't want to tarnish this relatively calm forum :D, but I'm boycotting French products because of their government's hostile stance toward the United States. And more importantly their covert and outward lies and deceit while constantly looking to run down the U.S.

I will leave it at that; I've been in enough political debate for 1 day. :)