Iron Maiden at Earls Court


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Maiden ruled, i was actually pretty unexcited going as i'd only had the new album for a week and it hadn't really grown on me, however soon as the first song kicked in i knew i was in the presence of greatness. My mate had gotten excellent tickets too, to the left of the stage looking down. Maiden's set was excellent obviously featuring the new stuff, i counted 7 songs (i think) from the new album with Journeyman and No more lies standing out for me. The boys put on a real show and absolute highlights were Hallowed be thy Name, Number of the Beast and Run to the Hills.

It kind of puts the metal and rock worlds into perspective when you see a band this good, this polished and this experienced, and Bruce still does his rant about lack of airplay so hats off to the boys. They're English and their leaders in their field.. and around 20,000 (?) metal heads agreed with me last night.We should all be proud of the gods (and not a term i use lightly) Iron Maiden.
Sorry getting slightly emotional now...ahem! :)
I so wanted to see Maiden at Earl's Court...I was there for Metal 2000 but sadly this time the standing tickets sold out before I could grab 'em :( well, Cardiff on Monday for that :D
Best I've seen them since Blaze left. They've been generally disappointing in the 3 times I've seen them live since Bruce rejoined. But Earl's Court was different this time around. It was by far the best I've seen them since the reunion. Clear sound, strong performances from all. I still have some issues with their setlist, but it's better than at previous gigs, and the fact that DOD is a significantly stronger album than BNW helped. The only downside was a drunk bint in the seats next to us, who was intent on doing everything possible to block our view. But that aside, a welcome return to form...
anvil said:
I didn't think it was that bad where I was standing.
Where were you to? I was against the barrier for two and a half hours and it was pretty heavy going. Felt like being winded for the best part of the gig. And they ran out of water which didn't help!
Cock-up? :D

anvil said:
I was 10 or so rows back so it didn't seem that bad, especially compared to Glasgow which was really mad.
Should've joined us at the front, boyo ;) nasty...