Iron Maiden at Earls Court

I'll be there on the 23rd. I have no idea what my travel arrangements are yet though. And I may have also have the annoyance of a spare ticket...I've been really unorganised about this whole thing!!
Well it took me until today (last minute or what?!) but I talked a couple of friends into going and booked I now know that I will be there!! Although I have a spare standing ticket now. Couldn't get a 4th person on such short notice!

On the other hand...this does leave me with Sunday to do all of my xmas shopping!!
Great tour!!! I saw them in Chicago in October.
I won't say anything more about the show, but unless you have been living in a cave, you know what the setlist is.

Hell, I think my 2 year old daughter knows the setlist! :p
At the moment it looks like I'm just going to have to take it there and this guy will let me know on the day whether or not he wants it. I'm sure I'll be able to find a good home for it whatever happens.
yeah i got a steve one today...he threw it at my face and it hit me, then he loled at me..:yuk:

OK, the 22nd was AWESOME, by far best gig experience EVER..but the 23rd...i have to rant somewhere...

i have NEVER been treated so badly at a gig before tonight! After getting on to the centre of the barrier, got a little squashed through trivium, which was ok, you expect it from the kerrang kiddies...but when maiden came on some twat and his mate bundle forwards, are trying to get onto the first they try squashing me to a point where i can't breath, then as that didnt work, they tried jumping over us all which forced my ribs into the barrier...THEN when i turned around and said "f*ck off c*nt or you'll get an elbow in the face" the security guard catches on, walks over, gets on the barrier right in this guys face and says "F*CKING LEAVE HER ALONE OR YOU'RE OUT" which only seemed to make him laugh..nice chap..c* ok, they keep trying but not as much, then when the show finished, i turn around and he's up in my face saying he's going to kick the shit out of me and why did i get the security guard on him etc at which point i get two very hefty security guards appear from no where to bundle him out of the'd think that was the end of it but OH NO...he catches up with me and my mate just in the foyer part, and starts up the whole in my face threatening thing again, which upset me so i start having a go back (i wont repeat what i said, its not very lady like) theres a bit of pushing and shoving and once again he's bundled away.....two things: since when did large 'men' find it acceptable to smack and threaten a woman half their size? what happened to civility between fans of the same bloody music/band? we're all there for the same fucking thing and to have a good time, why do some people feel the need to cause drama and ruin everyones evening?! i wasn't the only person the pair of them were kicking the shit out of during maidens set, i was just the only one small enough for him to have a go at yeah, thanks to that twat my evening was a tiny bit ruined and now i have a stabbing pain in my chest and back everytime i take breath, oh and a bar shaped bruise purple/black bruise across my ribs...merry fucking christmas :(

(please excuse my spelling/grammer ive taken alot of pain killers)
My heart goes out to you Cavegirl because even though I'm not a half sized woman I have been right stuck into the middle of all the commotion. I was 2nd row during Laurren Harris, Trivium and Maiden but after hours of shoving, organ squishing, bone crushing, elbowing, not breathing and punching the 23rd c*nt in the head you get very tired! And it's not every man for himself, it's usually just one or two TW@TS who cause the whole thing!

Most of the time I'd be chatting to the people I'm now impregnating and we'd roll our eyes and laugh of the situation but there were these two bastards...loud, opinionated, think they're hilarious, arogant, chavy cockends who insist on trying to barge to the front when there is clearly no f*cking way they're going to make it! Elbowing someone in the face and pulling hair out of your skull somehow becomes socially acceptable and the only option you have is doing what Han did and raining down abuse on them until they f*ck off, except I was able to throw a punch in there too which works wonders when you're wearing spikes.

I'm no stranger to pits and I've been in some of the most violent on the planet (black/death metal pits usually have psychos with broken glass and knuckle dusters) and festival pits are usually very crushing but I certainly didn't expect it at Maiden from fellow fans...maybe they're just more enthusiastic than most? They're like Dethklok fans! :lol:
Very surprising story there darl! :eek: just about every gig I've been to, you find Metal fans looking out for each other, and the troublemakers get seen to very quickly. Shame you had a rough time.

The power cut on the 22nd was rather amusing ^_^ still need to upload my videos of that. Otherwise...a fair gig. The new album sounds good live, though I wish they'd played more older songs afterwards.
Ouch...sounds pretty shit. I was there on the 23rd too...fairly near the front but I couldn't be arsed with the whole crushingness going on at the beginning of Maiden's set so I took a few steps back. Watched it nicely for a fair old while then went back to the front when it died down a bit. I really enjoyd it...thought it was brilliant! But then again...I didn't come across that wanker. Sorry that you did.
it wasnt all a loss, i got some awesome pics and i did have a fantastic time on the 22nd stood infront of dancing janick :D most entertaining thing EVER...hes like the duracell bunny of the dancing guitarist world :D on and on and on and on and on and on etc... <3 him
Was at the 22nd, Trivium were ghey, Maiden, as hard as I tried to get into it, the new album just really didn't do it for me live. VIP pass and all, you know...backstage party...Herman Li kept bugging me and all these people thought I was Sam Totman for some reason...beeehehehe...much free booze, much laughing at Trivium and much being amazed at how isnanely short Maiden are, AWESOME NIGHT!