Iron Maiden DVDs on E-Bay


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2002
In case you're wondering if there is any way to ever get Live After Death or 12 Wasted Years or any of the other Maiden videos on DVD, head over to E-Bay. Today, I just won my auction on a copy of Live After Death on a Region 0 DVD from Brazil.

These DVDs are NOT bootlegs. Apparently, the companies that own the material have been licensing titles out for production on DVD in other countries. The good thing about it is that a lot of the DVDs are Region 0 meaning they will play on virtually ALL DVD players. Check before you purchase though to make sure that they will run with your TV system (NTSC or PAL). And for those of us with DVD players that refuse to play anything other than Region 0, this is a HUGE plus.

My previous purchase of Kiss Animalize Live Uncensored arrived at the end of last week. The only problem about this DVD is that the subtitles can't be turned off while people are speaking, but this just might be the case with a few titles and is a small downfall since I have yet to hear of this title EVER being released on DVD. (I'll let you know with the other disc when I get it.)

Also, check for any other films and videos on DVD through E-Bay. Hell, did you know that you can get the first 3 Star Wars films (Episodes IV - VI) on licensed Region 0 DVD? The way things are looking, we're not going to see those films released here in the States on DVD until after the DVD release of Episode III!
The quality is top notch. I was kind of concerned about the quality of the Kiss video that I ordered because when the band released their MTV Unplugged video on DVD, the picture quality just wasn't up to snuff on that release. Added to the fact that Animalize Live Uncensored is now 18 years old, and I'm sure that you would be wondering about the quality as well. Well, the picture on this disc is phenomenal. It looks better than the broadcast picture from when they ran it on MTV. Like I said, the only niggle was the subtitles on this disc, but I can live with that and I'm sure that this might not be the case with all of the Brazilian discs.
You know what I'd really like them to release is those old 70s KISS concerts that having been around for years in bootleg form, those are awesome.
Look around long enough and someone has them bootlegged in virtually every format so you can buy it. Don't expect the band to release them, though.
Thanks for the tip about eBay, Smylex! Can I ask how much you ended up paying for the Wasted Years and LAD DVD's? I've been hoping to get those on DVD for a loooonnnnngggggg time!

hehheheheh, I bought the Beauty and the Beast DVD from CDNow (well, preordered) because it was the only way I could get a Region 1 DVD out here in Finnyland. Now that i know Region 0 is pretty universal, I can look for those types of DVDs out here as well.
I paid $19 for my copy, but the only reason that happened is because some assholes kept bidding up from it's original price of $12.95. If they had gone to the guy's E-Bay store like I did, they would have found that this guy has several copies of Live After Death available to purchase.

The only thing that you'll need to look out for is to make sure that the DVDs are designed to play on your format, either NTSC or PAL. I'm not sure what system is dominant in Finnland, since PAL is predominantly found in Europe.
It'd make my life easier if we were all using just Linux. Then we could all upgrade our computers for free!:spin:
Ah, a friend! ;) And you know you can have Linux on mac? :lol:

About the DVDs: anyone knows if they'll be sold "officialy" in stores? I can't buy anything right now (a Sinergy gig ticket is all I can do), but after christmas... A Live After Death DVD would be a nice addition to the new Eddie box!
Originally posted by matcauthron
Ah, a friend! ;) And you know you can have Linux on mac? :lol:

About the DVDs: anyone knows if they'll be sold "officialy" in stores? I can't buy anything right now (a Sinergy gig ticket is all I can do), but after christmas... A Live After Death DVD would be a nice addition to the new Eddie box!

Yes, Linux plays well with other systems. My problem is that I can't afford a Mac. :waah:

As far as the DVDs being sold officially, going through the Brazilian sellers via E-bay is about the only way to get ahold of some of these titles. The problem with many DVDs that are not made in the country that you are in is the Region Coding. It's a just a way for these companies overseas to fix the price and gouge people of more money. :mad: I fuckin' hate that!