Iron Maiden - Earls Court Arena!

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I was at the show last night, and I can safely say that it was the best moment of my life! Ever!

The stage was amazing, and some of the backgrounds (e.g. paschendale) absolutely ruled!

I was SO close, I couldn't really believe it! Me and two others were about 1 or 2 people away from the front barrier - quite far over to the left, directly in front of the big speakers on the floor.

Funeral for a Friend got treated pretty harshly - in a way understandable because they pretty much sucked - but I di feel a bit sorry for them in a way. They weren't saying anything offensive or anything like that this time.

When I first saw the set list I thought it was a bit poo, but to be honest I didn't care - the songs seemed to work really well, except Lord of the Flies which I don't particularly like.

It was such an emotional moment for me to turn round and see the entire stadium virtually packed with Maiden fans - 20,000 of them!

I've never before been around any big number of Maiden fans, so it was so exciting getting off tube and noticing so many Maiden shirts - it sounds stupid really, but the most Maiden fans I've been around before last night is....1 - my friend at college.

Truly awesome, I am still completely in shock, and words cannot describe how good it was. It will live with me forever!

Some of the best moments were Paschendale and hallowed be thy Name - it's always been one of my favourites, and the crowd went along with it so well!

Completely, completely UNBELEIVABLE! Speechless really!

I was so close to the stage that I wish I hadn't left my camera with my Dad in the stalls. Dave Murray looked at me and smiled, which was truly emotional, and also Steve sang a part of a song to me.

I stress a PART, as in a few words, lol, but just for a split second he caught my eye and it was like he was singing to me!



P.S. Now I have to go off to WORK! Got to bed at 2 am, and have work 9 am the next morning, at shitty safeway! Oh well, never mind, I have a lot of thinking to do to recover from the gig!

It was, surprisingly, a stonker of a gig!!

They have redeemed themselves in my eyes :) Now if only they'd get their shit together and tour Oz.

I loved pretty much every moment of it apart from the naff elements of the DoD performance (Bruce in cape & mask), and Lord Of The Flies (which was the one moment I wasn't going apeshit bananas).

Blew my voice out, so now I sound like some radio DJ or something. Heh.

I thought the setlist was much better on the night than I expected, too. Paschendale is awesome, as expected. Nice touch of panto, too :lol:
Maiden ruled, i was actually pretty unexcited going as i'd only had the new album for a week and it hadn't really grown on me, however soon as the first song kicked in i knew i was in the presence of greatness. My mate had gotten excellent tickets too, to the left of the stage looking down. Maiden's set was excellent obviously featuring the new stuff, i counted 7 songs (i think) from the new album with Journeyman and No more lies standing out for me. The boys put on a real show and absolute highlights were Hallowed be thy Name, Number of the Beast and Run to the Hills.

It kind of puts the metal and rock worlds into perspective when you see a band this good, this polished and this experienced, and Bruce still does his rant about lack of airplay so hats off to the boys. They're English and their leaders in their field.. and around 20,000 (?) metal heads agreed with me last night.We should all be proud of the gods (and not a term i use lightly) Iron Maiden.
Sorry getting slightly emotional now...ahem! :)

I didn't see Funeral for a friend, but i am very glad that the stupid idea of putting them on the bill (and them thinking they'd cash in) caused them to get the right treatment.
sean-intense said:
Maiden ruled, i was actually pretty unexcited going as i'd only had the new album for a week and it hadn't really grown on me, however soon as the first song kicked in i knew i was in the presence of greatness. My mate had gotten excellent tickets too, to the left of the stage looking down. Maiden's set was excellent obviously featuring the new stuff, i counted 7 songs (i think) from the new album with Journeyman and No more lies standing out for me. The boys put on a real show and absolute highlights were Hallowed be thy Name, Number of the Beast and Run to the Hills.

It kind of puts the metal and rock worlds into perspective when you see a band this good, this polished and this experienced, and Bruce still does his rant about lack of airplay so hats off to the boys. They're English and their leaders in their field.. and around 20,000 (?) metal heads agreed with me last night.We should all be proud of the gods (and not a term i use lightly) Iron Maiden.
Sorry getting slightly emotional now...ahem! :)

I didn't see Funeral for a friend, but i am very glad that the stupid idea of putting them on the bill (and them thinking they'd cash in) caused them to get the right treatment.

Very well said my friend, i couldn't agree more! Believe me, you didn't miss anything for funeral for a friend!

@ Mark - where abouts were you in the crowd?

@ BigBronco4x4 - why the hell are you in this forum then?
bloody good werent was a bit too far away for my liking but never mind.
everyone has allready summed it up really,fucking excellent,the new stuff worked really well too.
dance of death was toilet break time and more beer.

it was the first time ive been to earls court and i was pretty impressed,much better than the birmingham cant even get a drink after about 9 up there and if you stay to the end of the show you miss the bloody last train home.

enough moaning from me,i'm just tired after lack of sleep an too much booze,the true sign of a good night.

High On - Block 17, row P :) Left hand side of the arena, first tier of seats, 3rd block from along. GREAT seats (tho not perfect). Excellent view of the proceedings though :)
Awesome! Like I've already mentioned, I was very pleased with my position as well!

It's a great arena I think, in terms of sheer size, and the stage, lights, etc.

I can't really comment on the sound, because I wasn't far enough back to gear it as other people might have done, but it seemed fine to me from where I was at least.

To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to the quality of the SOUND as I was going mad to The Trooper and such like - simply enjoying the quality of the music itself!
I think the arena is too high, to be honest - gives off a lot of echo. But the sound besides the echo was spot on. I couldn't hear Janick very well, which is fine by me :lol:

That was fucking amazing!! I loved every minute of it (even Lord of the Flies, which I've never heard before). I was standing in the middle, just about level with the front entrance/exit things. When Wildest Dreams kicked in and everyone legged it forwards, haha that was amazing. Nothing more to add really, except that it was the best gig I've been to. :p :headbang:
Nope, I was looking out for you though. :p I bet you didn't see me (in my Dark Tranquillity shirt) either. Also, how the hell can you go to a Maiden gig and sit?!?! Strange people... ;)





:tickled: I might have been closer to the stage, I can't work it out though. :p

Is that all the pics you took?? If not, I want 'em all!! (please... ;))
Best Maiden gig EVER! Apart from some idiots that were near me right down the front that seemed intent on killing people.

Had a great time, great setlist, great stage and an even greater Eddie!