Iron Maiden - Free song and info on the Final Frontier

Mar 10, 2008
Abingdon, UK
The release date for Iron Maiden's new studio album The Final Frontier is now confirmed for Monday 16th August. The new album features artwork illustrated by Melvyn Grant and, to mark the occasion, the band have made special arrangements for one new album track "El Dorado" to be made available Worldwide as a FREE digital download MP3 with immediate effect. Click here for your free download (US fans, go here).


01. Satellite 15... The Final Frontier
02. El Dorado
03. Mother Of Mercy
04. Coming Home
05. The Alchemist
06. Isle Of Avalon
07. Starblind
08. The Talisman
09. The Man Who Would Be King
10. When The Wild Wind Blows

Singer Bruce Dickinson explains: "El Dorado" is a preview of the forthcoming studio album. As we will be including it in the set of our Final Frontier World Tour (all dates here) we thought it would be great to thank all our fans and get them into The Final Frontier mood by giving them this song up front of the tour and album release."

After first listen i thought the song was dissapointingly average, but it has a nice heaviness too it. even if the bassline is stolen from 'Barracuda' let's hope it's the weakest off the new album :lol: anyway the important thing is a new Iron Maiden album means a UK tour again at somepoint :Smokin:

So... who else is pumped for the return of Iron Maiden! :headbang:
I already mentioned this in now playing, gj on making a thread - my reaction is that its a step in the right direction away from overly proggy (aMoLaD was a bit too prog for me) but its no instantly memorable classic. It's just average, no mind-blowing return to the galloping Maiden sound but I hope at least some of the rest is.
i've listened to it a couple of times already and it' s growing on me...

the first time I listened to it the speed and a certain dissonance between melody and vocals caught me a bit by surprise, but then things sort of readjust in the second part and it sounds definitely Maiden

i agree - it's not instantly memorable and it is certainly weaker than most of their songs, but we also have to admit that because it is Maiden we tend to be much more demanding- if it was another band I would be probably drooling here :Smokin:
by the way, time they come back home - i'm feeling a bit abandoned
hoped for a gig before xmas but i don't think it's gonna happen - we will have to wait for 2011-ohhhhhhhhh pain
Honestly, I zoned out of this song a few minutes in and couldn't believe it was still going on by the end. Booooooooring, totally unimpressed. Average at best.
The best thing about Maiden is the first song they release is NEVER the best from the album. The gems are hidden amongst the album, always! I can't remember the last time the 'single' was actually the best track on their album, so much as the most accessible.
The best thing about Maiden is the first song they release is NEVER the best from the album. The gems are hidden amongst the album, always! I can't remember the last time the 'single' was actually the best track on their album, so much as the most accessible.

by all means!! i'm really interested in the last one - almost 11 minutes- in my opinion some of their best songs are quite long - take for example Hallowed Be Thy Name, To Tame a Land, The Rime (!), Sign of the Cross, Dance of Death and the Legacy
I have to agree with 1928 after giving it a good few spins. Then again I'm sure there will be some cracking stuff on this album... it's Maiden afterall, I have every faith in them!
Wonderful album art. Worst maiden song I've ever heard.

“El Dorado” isn’t a bad song. It’s really just lazy. All the standard Maiden-isms are in place, Steve Harris’ galloping bass lines, the buoyant guitars and ample shred factor, but we’ve heard all these things done before in better songs and with more enthusiasm. There’s a noticeable drop in tempo this time around and Bruce Dickinson never reaches for the rafters with his trademark falsetto, sticking instead to a strained mid-range yelp. It’s certainly not going to replace “Run to the Hills” any time soon and my guess is the whole song was written in about 45 minutes.
Ahh you all claimed its a grower, so I gave it another few plays and sadly, it's still dreadful.

In fact, I can't get past the fact that Bruce isn't even signing at all; he is basicly just talking incredibly loudly and shit son, once you hear this, you can't un-hear it!

I wonder if this is to break us in gently for Maiden's plan to release a spoken word album!

No sir, I do not like. And yes, while its very easy to flame the biggest and best bands out there, I seriously expected more from maiden; here's to hoping it's one of the album's lesser songs.
Anyone heard the new Ozzy Osbourne album? it's streaiming in it's entirety on his myspace page. I quite like it :lol:
As for Maiden i'm hoping they'll be some belters and this is just a middle of the road type track