
Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
I went to see Maiden at Glasgow SECC on 15th December and it was a complete and utter letdown. I bought my ticket at the beginning of the year before I'd heard the new album and once I realised that the setlist included Maiden performing the new album in its entirety, I really wasn't looking forward to the concert but in the run-up to the gig I was getting quite excited about it and I really thought they would have been brillinat live - but nothing could be further from the truth!!!!

As everyone knows, they play the whole of A Matter of Life and Death(by Boredom), the first song Different World was excellent, as was Out of the Shadows and Breeg was also really good live but the rest of the album was a complete yawn, and in fact yawn I did quite a few times that night - AT LEAST 6 TIMES!!!! And it wasn't just me who thought like that, I was standing about 8 rows from the front, and there was no head banging going on, no moshing, no singing along, no clapping etc., no-one rockin out etc., no crowd surfin. There was absolutely zero atmosphere there, it was unreal. And in fact about half way through the concert, this is the God's honest truth, there was about 5 guys standing right behind me and they shouted out for SAXON about 3 times!!!!! And then someone else started shouting out for UFO!!!!!

"Scream for me Glasgow" Dickinson kept shouting - aye scream I did "Someone get me out of here", it was really that crap, I actually couldn't wait to get out of the SECC it was that bad. When they eventually did the classics, first of all Fear of the Dark, that got the crowd rockin a bit but I think it was too little too late cos by the time they'd played the whole of the new album, I reckon most of the crowd were bloody comatosed by that time. They also did Iron Maiden, The Evil that Men Do, 2 Minutes to Midnight and Hallowed be they Name, they were good but apart from Evil that Men Do, I'd have preferred to hear other classics like Wrathchild, Running Free,Phantom and The Trooper etc.,

And I don't know what the hell happened to be "spectacular stage show" - I reckon they must have left it at the concert the night before, cos we got naff all until nearly the end of the concert when we got one tank coming on the stage and Eddie popping his head out the hatch, which looked quite cool, but it was only on stage for about a minute and then a giant Eddie came onto the stage from the left and walked over to the right and then walked back off again. Dickinson came over to us on the left and shone some big spotlight thing into the crowd and then did the same over on the right - AND THAT WAS IT!!!!! I was expecting loads of tanks and loads of Eddies and tons of smoke, explosiions, fireworks blah blah blah, but it was a complete and utter letdown. That was my first time seeing Maiden in 20 years and hopefully it will be at least another 20 years before I see them again.

Best song of the night - UFO'S DOCTOR DOCTOR - which got played just prior to Maiden taking the stage .

But in saying that, if you love the new album then you'd have loved the concert I suppose but it was a big mistake Maiden playing the whole album, loads of folk were just standing for the most part just watching them, with loads of folk not even knowing any of the songs at all, whereas go to a Saxon concert or Blitzkreig concert the whole damn place is rockin out at 100 miles per hour, and there's never anyone just standing there looked peeved off.

There's no way I'll go and see Maiden again, a complete BORE OF HELL. I'd only give that concert a 1 OUT OF 10.
A few pics that I took, not the best photos I've taken at a concert but I couldn't really even be bothered to take many photos of that band:-




That was my first time seeing Maiden in 20 years and hopefully it will be at least another 20 years before I see them again.

:OMG: is all I can say! So totally the opposite of the experience I had in Irvine. I suppose if you don't like AMOLAD then you wouldn't enjoy the show, I myself love the album and can't wait for the next tour.