Iron Maiden is Bigger today than in their Heyday

Chasing tail? You don't have to with GH its a chick magnet. I'm a neighborhood legend, they literally bust down the garage door at my moms house which I live in to watch me play and check out my moves as well. I've watched the Winger videos especially 17 and Madeline dozens of times, so I can twirl and dance just like him and really score with the chicks. I'm ready, so this weekend it's on, yea like Donkey Kong.
Now Donkey Kong I am down to play anytime! There is a huge payoff if you can make it to the Pie Factory level. What is that? Level 8? Lets see you got 1,2, then Level 1 again then Elevators right? Then 2 then Pie Factory? I forgot, but that used to be like gold at the end of the rainbow when you or anyone reached Pie Factory.