Iron Maiden tour announcement next week!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!

Interesting! lol

And yeah it does suck. At least in LA it does. I've exploited it pretty much to its fullest anyway though.

Not much metal around here. Glasgow is the place to be! I have friends scattered all over the UK and we try to go to as many shows together as we can. I live in a town which has a population of about 7,000 and is only a few miles wide at most so have no need for a car and so public transport is all I need for the few times I need to use it.
YAY!!!!! June 20th @ the Sleeptrain Pavillion in Concord!!!!! Now, that Maiden is scheduled to come to the Bay Area, the Maidens are next, I hope?!
July 17th here in Detroit... I hope that I am working by then so I can go!

Rendclaw, how the hell have you been? Bizarro story here, but yesterday morning, out of the blue I started thinking about how I never see you on the board anymore. I love when psychic stuff like that happens. Think of someone or something and then it appears.