sudamerican thraser

Anthrax Maniac Member
Jun 18, 2006
This A new art of a new album of IRON MAIDEN!!! is amanzing!!
Clic here for artist iron maiden cover:

Clic here:
A massive improvement over Dance of Death which had the shittiest CG artwork I have ever seen.
aliasp said:
A massive improvement over Dance of Death which had the shittiest CG artwork I have ever seen.

Indeed. I am realy surprised with that artwork. It would be cool if the Eddie with guns logo would become a t-shirt
aliasp said:
A massive improvement over Dance of Death which had the shittiest CG artwork I have ever seen.
I still cannot fucking believe they released that piece of utter stinking dung. Was it a joke? I think we were all on Candid Camera.
I think they were just trying something different with the last one, but they got it right this time!
Sure Dance of death, and for that matter virtual XI were not their best.

It must be said that the new artwork says more about this time period, about a band that makes a very visual statement whenever they can and it is also a throwback to the millitary nihlism of the 80's.

It also reminds me of the first S.O.D album.

For Maiden, this time around less is more.
album cover looks good better than the DOD....they need to bring back derek riggs and pay him this time for his wrk..according to Riggs..
bah the fucking dumbasses put that stupid "" over the front of it on the website... now all the sudden people are going to get uptight about things as small as pictures of album covers? oh no i might right click and save the image? :erk: oh no

ok so, looks pretty average/corny/cliched/boring/etc... nothing original or anything that makes it stand out, looks pretty much like everything else, imo

there, i had to go and be all mr. negativepants
Yeah, Dance of Death blew, artwork and musically...I hope they bring it with this one. Brave New World was awesome...