Iron Maiden's gonna get ya!

JayKeeley said:
I don't dispute that X Factor has some good songs one it, but don't you think it's weird that you have to turn the volume up and up and up until you can hear the music?

Put on Seventh Son, or whatever, and then listen to X Factor at the same volume. You can barely hear it.

Also, just for arguments sake, I don't think that Bruce can always improve a song for the most part. For example, I think Paul D'ianno's version of Wrathchild is SO much better than the Bruce version on Ed Hunter, since it keeps that raw old punk vibe.

Also, I don't think Bruce would improve Man on the Edge. Blaze sings it just fine IMO.

What do you think?

I don't know if Bruce would improve Man On The Edge or not... I've gotten so used to the vocals that I don't notice anymore. As far as the levels are concerned... that's a mastering problem I think, as X Factor wasn't remastered like the other reissues were. But I have a lot of cds that are like that...
Papa Josh said:
I don't know if Bruce would improve Man On The Edge or not... I've gotten so used to the vocals that I don't notice anymore. As far as the levels are concerned... that's a mastering problem I think, as X Factor wasn't remastered like the other reissues were. But I have a lot of cds that are like that...

Nah - I have original pressings of older Maiden albums, and X Factor still sounds shite next to them.

The lack of decibels doesn't do Blaze any favors on the songs where he sings low-key intros. With his off-key singing (some of it is so bad that it makes Bathory sound good), and the mandatory hearing-aid requirement, they are practically incoherent.

But hey, I'm not one to flog a dead horse, heh. (Too late I guess, muwaahhahahahaaa).

Who's got the new Blaze live album then? I'd be keen to hear Blaze's interpretation of Sign of the Cross or Virus etc. I'm sure his band could really improve on those songs.
JayKeeley said:
The lack of decibels doesn't do Blaze any favors on the songs where he sings low-key intros. With his off-key singing (some of it is so bad that it makes Bathory sound good), and the mandatory hearing-aid requirement, they are practically incoherent.

You're exagerrating to a ridiculous extent. The only example I've ever heard anyone give for an off-key intro was, I believe, Look For The Truth, and it sounds just fine to me and my mates. I think getting to that level of detail is ridiculously pedantic.

Who's got the new Blaze live album then? I'd be keen to hear Blaze's interpretation of Sign of the Cross or Virus etc. I'm sure his band could really improve on those songs.

I bought it straight after seeing BLAZE live on Friday. The album's pretty good, though I've only had time to listen to it once. I tell you now, though - I was stood about three feet away from Mr Bayley belting out his vox on stage (practically off-stage, he gets so thick into the audience!) and was awed by the power of his voice. This guy is amazing!
Ayeka said:
You're exagerrating to a ridiculous extent.

I don't think so at all. If you have pitch perfect hearing, you'll be able to pick out each word that he sings off key in each song.

There are two albums that I own where the vocals are so horrific, that I seriously have the urge to thrown them out the car window and run them over a few times. :lol: One of them is X Factor (just in dying need to be remixed with Bruce at the helm) and the other is Bathory's Twillight of the Gods.

However, this statement takes little away from the musicianship on each of those records. It's just the singing I have troubles with.

Hello Mr Bailey. Wolfsbane? Yes please. Blaze? No problem. The rest should be nuked. :loco:
Well, it probably doesn't help that I'm half deaf anyway :p but, nah, I still think yer bullshitting ;) pitch is fine :p
phyre said:

Music =

Vocals =
I agree with bloodfiredeath.

He might technically not be the best vocalist but the emotion he puts in the his vocals ("these shining blades of... steel" - Blood And Iron, "it's only just beguuun" - One Rode To Asa Bay) is rather remarkable. Given the chance, I wouldn't change the vocals of Twilight... in the SLIGHTEST. Eek, Quorthon rules. I am going to listen to the album now.
phyre said:
I agree with bloodfiredeath.

He might technically not be the best vocalist but the emotion he puts in the his vocals ("these shining blades of... steel" - Blood And Iron, "it's only just beguuun" - One Rode To Asa Bay) is rather remarkable. Given the chance, I wouldn't change the vocals of Twilight... in the SLIGHTEST. Eek, Quorthon rules. I am going to listen to the album now.

You should like the X Factor then. :loco:
1. Hammerheart
2. Blood Fire Death
3. Either Twilight... or Under The Sign...

I reckon.

Lying b'stard.
I'm not lying, you know. "Sign of the Cross" is a classic, "The Aftermath", "2 AM" and "The Edge Of Darkness" are solid songs as well... Nowhere near their best but I prefer it to crud like Fear Of The Dark and Virtual XI.
phyre said:
I'm not lying, you know. "Sign of the Cross" is a classic, "The Aftermath", "2 AM" and "The Edge Of Darkness" are solid songs as well... Nowhere near their best but I prefer it to crud like Fear Of The Dark and Virtual XI.

I agree with that 100%. But out of 12 studio albums, I would place X Factor third from bottom.
Ah, Virtual XI's a good album :) I think I said that before ^_^

phyre said:
I agree with bloodfiredeath.

He might technically not be the best vocalist but the emotion he puts in the his vocals ("these shining blades of... steel" - Blood And Iron, "it's only just beguuun" - One Rode To Asa Bay) is rather remarkable. Given the chance, I wouldn't change the vocals of Twilight... in the SLIGHTEST. Eek, Quorthon rules. I am going to listen to the album now.

Cor blimey missus, I started listening to One Rode To Asa Bay constantly all of a sudden :D it truly is a great song. Wouldn't attribute it much to the vocals, but the part you cite does help...

"Still he heard somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say...
People of Asa land ... it's only .. just BEGUUUUUUUUUN!!!!"

*ace closing solo*

Gotta love that! :headbang: