Iron Maidens in ROCKRGRL!


New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2004
Hey Iron Maidens lovers!

IM has a mention and a photo in a tribute band article in the ROCKRGRL summer issue. Other tribute bands featured are AC/DSHE, Black Diamond, Mistress of Reality, Ms. Fits, Hell's Belles, the Wizard, Cheap Chick and Whole Lotta Rosies.

Rock on!
Hey Iron Maidens lovers!

IM has a mention and a photo in a tribute band article in the ROCKRGRL summer issue. Other tribute bands featured are AC/DSHE, Black Diamond, Mistress of Reality, Ms. Fits, Hell's Belles, the Wizard, Cheap Chick and Whole Lotta Rosies.

Rock on!
Hmmm I wanna see the IM and MoR pics.... just in case they're mine... So I can buy a copy or three or four :grin:
THanks for the headzup, Rockrgrl! Been waiting for this one to hit the stands! Alan, unfortunately the pic we used isn't one of yours. I think it was a quickie shot we took and sent in when Aja just joined the band. Perhaps we can make up for that in Sept! Rock on!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
THanks for the headzup, Rockrgrl! Been waiting for this one to hit the stands! Alan, unfortunately the pic we used isn't one of yours. I think it was a quickie shot we took and sent in when Aja just joined the band. Perhaps we can make up for that in Sept! Rock on!
Damn right we will :D Now I gotta go plot how to pull this off. So, can I self appoint myself photo-director? I've been studying Ross Halfin.... take charge opinionated kinda guy he is. LOL I really don't think I can be that over the top.

I still wanna see what MoR pics they used, cuz I know mine are better than what I have seen in other media in the past ;)
alanbirdsell said:
I still wanna see what MoR pics they used, cuz I know mine are better than what I have seen in other media in the past ;)
Got that right! Alan, you are an awesome photographer and your work is some of the best concert photography I've ever seen. Just gorgeous. You have the gift of snapping the shutter at the precisely perfect moment. I can't wait to see what you get when we come to town. Lucky us!!!!!:worship: :worship: :worship: