The Maidens In Classic Rock

MiniMurray said:
so i get a call yesterday from my long time drummer friend ian who invited me to jam NIB with his cover band this friday at the pitcher house. the bass player's wife said no cuz i'm a girl and can't be on the same stage with him. wtf!!!! talk about insecure!!! she also said it's cuz she thinks i need to practice first. now why in the hell would ian ask someone who sucks to jam live with his band, and is the fact that i'm female predisposition me to suck @ playing metal? is she scared of a trainwreck, or terrified that i'll bust iommi all over that pub!!!!!!

you know, i do take being a female musician very seriously. i play everyday and absolutely love it. yes, the vehicle i use right now is a tribute band to iron maiden - kick ass music that is respected all over the world. the press and exposure that the iron maidens receive sometimes likes to lean on the "girls playing the boys music" and we frequently get the non-original jab. on the whole, the feedback has been very positive tho. fact is, female musicians in metal are rare. if i can be visible for others like me who seek out to be inspired, then i feel like i give back what i have borrowed.

we've all been discriminated against, but music should be the last thing with barriers. and yes, i'll be there friday night \m/ muhahahahahaha \m/
Sara + Guitar = :rock::rock: :rock:

Hey girl, so where's chapter 2? Did your bass player friend end up on the couch that night? Enquiring minds wanna know!!!! ;)