Iron Maidens SLC pics :)


Stuck in Utah
Sep 16, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
Coming shortly (as soon as I pic out the good, and flattering ones..hehe) pics from the Maidens show in here Salt Lake back on the 29th and 30th of June... sorry it's taken so damn long heh.
Hot beer action!


Mark's never looked so good!


Yes, believe it or not, some fan threw these up on the stage on the second night..hehe


Special thanks to the extra help for Eddie!


Aja working the crowd!


Sara the whirlwind.


Our lovely bass goddess!


Heather shredding it up - was so great to meet you!


Look at them guns! Linda bangin away on the skin.


After the show meet and greet comraderie.


Ok, more to follow Just don't want to spam the thread full.
Next time the pics will be lots better cos I finally worked how to take pics in the lighting at the show that WONT trigger the flash and wash out all the lovely shades and colors :)
np! :) I can shoot out some cdroms to ya all if you want. Got about 190 pics the first night and about 140 the 2nd hehe.

Also I sent a special picture to Linda hehe it's up to her to decide if she wants to post it or not :D
awsome !!!!!!! great stuff, let's hope the girls make it back before maiden hit california in march '08 and june
Next time the pics will be lots better cos I finally worked how to take pics in the lighting at the show that WONT trigger the flash and wash out all the lovely shades and colors :)

How do you set it Hobbes?

I took this with the flash off, set to ISO 800, and the aperture priority on the Canon A710IS. Not all came out this good so I'm still learning the no flash tricks. What I have learned is it is best to not zoom due to the aperture changes with increased focal length.

You can even see the secret fifth finger on her right hand that Wanda uses to play so damn good and hides it so well. I caught her using it though. :lol:


Hahha! Yeah for extra fingers!

Set the aperture wide, and the speed high. That way it'll trigger and take in as much light as possible but be a quick snap so it doesn't get blurry. When I get back from work tonight I'll look up the settings I put it to. Use a Nikon D50 digital SLR