is anybody still listening to gr?

Mr. Josey Wales

UGA student
Apr 13, 2004
athens, georgia
i cant get myself to listen to gr anymore...everytime i go to play an opeth song i usually pick something off one of their old cd' just seems like their new sound is more tight and kinda forced as opposed to the older stuff.

i like the first three songs, but they don't come close to the masterpieces of previous albums.

does anyone else hardly listen to the album anymore besides me?
I could listen to GoP, Hours of Wealth, and Isolation Years all day long. As for the album on a whole I listen to it probably once a week. Once I start listening I get into it, although usually I wouldn't pick something off it just for one song other than those three. But I can listen to stuff at work, so I can listen to a whole range of stuff. One day I listen to Opeth's entire discography chronologically at work. That was a good day.
Mr. Josey Wales said:
i cant get myself to listen to gr anymore...everytime i go to play an opeth song i usually pick something off one of their old cd' just seems like their new sound is more tight and kinda forced as opposed to the older stuff.

i like the first three songs, but they don't come close to the masterpieces of previous albums.

does anyone else hardly listen to the album anymore besides me?

I know what you mean. I am one of those who see their latest progress positive, but I have to admit, that the only songs which I can listen to often are Ghost Of Perdition, The Baying Of The Hounds and Harlequin Forest. I mostly skip several tracks after some time on most albums, but indeed never that much on an Opeth album.
I'll listen to one or two songs occassionally. The only one I really love is Ghost of Perdition.
everyday - it's in my car on my way to work. in the morning i usually check the news programs first (actual news + programs abóut the news) and then I switch to my selfmade opeth tape of gr, with two bwp tracks on it (leper affinity + bwp title track).
I've been an outspoken supporter of this album since its release, so yes I still listen to it frequently. I play it every other day when I go for my 3 mile run.

Today however, I listened to Deliverance & Possessed 13 from The Crown !!!

I think Porcupine Tree's Deadwing is next. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here is Superb !!!
opeth8 said:
I've been an outspoken supporter of this album since its release, so yes I still listen to it frequently. I play it every other day when I go for my 3 mile run.

Today however, I listened to Deliverance & Possessed 13 from The Crown !!!

I think Porcupine Tree's Deadwing is next. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here is Superb !!!
:worship: Arriving Somewhere But Not Here :worship:
I can't really listen to much off GR, as I think some of the songs (*cough*TGC*cough*) are much better live.

Speaking of which, does anybody know what bass effects Martin used on TGC? It sounds heavily distored (at least on a live show I have) at about a minute in (on the "dundundun" riff)
I still listen to it. Great album even though it's Opeth's weakest.
NicholasDWolfwood said:
I can't really listen to much off GR, as I think some of the songs (*cough*TGC*cough*) are much better live.

Speaking of which, does anybody know what bass effects Martin used on TGC? It sounds heavily distored (at least on a live show I have) at about a minute in (on the "dundundun" riff)
live, it sounded to me like an echo/overdrive of some kind, to make the bass sound more metallic, wet, and generally pipes-ish, if that is even a valid description. it was very spooky, and very cool.
Yeah, it sounds overdriven/distorted with some kind of chorus. I might try it with my Big Muff later today and see if I can mimmick it kind-of.