Is anyone going to Graspop?

I´m thinking about going to that festival, it depends if I´ll have to work or not. I´m very busy at the moment with my study and my new job. (THat´s why I haven´t posted here for quite a long time, too, but I kept checking the forum for once a day)I´ve been on Graspop wehen Priest played there and I liked the place a lot.
I don't think I'll be going to any of the summer festivals because I have a lot of exams through all of the summer:waah: and I'll probably go to Moldova to get some clinical knowlege or I'll be working
I was thinking about going to Metalcamp because of Nevermore and Opeth but it's expensive and I have very bad experience with Metalcamp 2004 (organization sucked and sound was shitty...)

So I decided not to waste any money until the end of september when I'm planning to go to Belgium for short vacation and to catch Nevermore's headlining show :rock:
I was there last year too
Won't be going this year I guess...
Cause I have already seen much of the bands I would go for, and it's just too much money
That is because I will be going to Stockholm this summer and I want to save some money for that... ;)
Corsnor said:
Went there last year on friday (mainly because of NM, dillinger and soad)
Had a blast!

Won't be going this year though/

dillinger was soo awesome...for the second time that week :p

i was very tired when NM played that was a real bummer