Is anyone here into Cryptocurrency?

When you also know what groups and politicians were responsible for the federal reserve act, why they wrote the act and how they used centralized banking to remove the gold standard and the deficit that has come with it you wouldn't call any central bank let alone The Federal Reserve and the FOMC responsible.

The reason most mode economists are against a gold standard is because in the state that our economy is in it would be a very painful transition, our current government is way to big to function and lot of departments would have to be shut down. Many currently taught economist are taught that a centralized bank that controls the money supply based on what it believes is best for the economy is desirable. Then you have the same economists that claim that the US debt will never have negative effects in the economy and the government. Then you have the officials in the FMOC that boldly claim that there are no mechanisms to check and balance their decisions and that they are above the law.

Having spent years of research on current events, US history and historical economics among many other things (its a strange hobby) I can't find any mechanisms where locking a fiat currency to the supply and demand relationship of paper money to gold (or other intrinsically valued item) is a bad thing compared to the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air when the government doesn't have enough tax dollars to operate their budget.

Now if someone would provide the mechanisms and statistics with historical references on why centralized fractional reserve banking that is controlled by the Federal Reserve and how inflation and debt is not necessarily a bad thing is better than locking the value of paper money to something that does not change in value outside the demand for people to consume or save resources, I am all ears, I can't say I have ever gotten a detailed answer other than "just because" or "you need government to regulate because their would be chaos and corporation will turn people into slaves"...and also the array of ad hominems and insults rather than actually answer a genuine question. And those insult are almost never directed to me, those are the typical responses of "economists" when asked similar questions.

Wintersnow i have no idea what you are talking about, you need to chill with the complex sentences, don't let the few rotten apple douche nerds here fool you -- this is and always will be a heavy metal forum and I think you might be better off limiting sentences to like 20 words tops, more like 3 or 4 whenever possible, I mean I already forgot what I was saying when I started typing this wtf
Wintersnow i have no idea what you are talking about, you need to chill with the complex sentences, don't let the few rotten apple douche nerds here fool you -- this is and always will be a heavy metal forum and I think you might be better off limiting sentences to like 20 words tops, more like 3 or 4 whenever possible, I mean I already forgot what I was saying when I started typing this wtf

At least you managed to insult everyone in the forum -including yourself- with just a couple of sentences.