List of Unusual Deaths

Oh man I once spent a night reading through that whole list. Some bizarre things on there for sure! The one about Dyatlov's Pass is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read.
1995: A 39-year-old man committed suicide in Canberra, Australia by shooting himself three times with a pump action shotgun. The first shot passed through his chest and went out the other side. He reloaded and shot away his throat and part of his jaw. Breathing through the wound in his throat, he again reloaded, held the gun against his chest with his hands and operated the trigger with his toes. This shot entered the thoracic cavity and demolished the heart, killing him.

This guy REALLY hated his life.....
OMFG!!! Man, i feel so bad that I laugh about that, but man... that's fucking epic, especially with your comment (This guy REALLY hated his life...) :D :D :D
2009: Sergey Tuganov, a 28-year-old Russian, bet two women that he could continuously have sex with them both for twelve hours. Several minutes after winning the $4,300 bet, he suffered a heart attack and died, apparently due to having ingested an entire bottle of Viagra just after accepting the bet


EDIT: I cannot get my images to work.
Yeah, went through that list some time ago. This was my favourite:

"892: Sigurd the Mighty of Orkney strapped the head of his defeated foe, Máel Brigte, to his horse's saddle. The teeth of this head grazed against his leg as he rode, causing an infection that killed him."

Post-mortem vengeance FTW.
Reading about small children dying in horrible ways makes me remember that:
An omnipotent and all knowing/seeing and good god doesn't exist.
There is evil, there is physical and emotional suffering, so if he existed, he could only have 2 of these 3 traits.
The fucked up thing about the Abigail Taylor thing is that it happened 15 years earlier in NC and it had to happen at a country club before any actions were taken to prevent further injury/death..
1976: Keith Relf, former singer for British rhythm and blues band The Yardbirds, died while practicing his electric guitar. He was electrocuted because the amplifier was not properly grounded.[94]
wikipedia said:
1981: Paul Gauci, a 41-year-old Maltese man, died after welding a butterfly bomb to a metal pipe and using it as a mallet, thinking it was a harmless can.[108]

Dude owned a welder but not a hammer/mallet? :guh:
2009: Jonathan Campos, an American sailor charged with murder, killed himself in his Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California, cell by stuffing toilet paper in his mouth until he asphyxiated.

eeew makes me gag just thinking about it :guh:

Gotta admire the determination though..
1993: Michael A. Shingledecker Jr. was killed almost instantly when he and a friend were struck by a pickup truck while lying flat on the yellow dividing line of a two-lane highway in Polk, Pennsylvania. They were copying a daredevil stunt from the movie The Program. Marco Birkhimer died of a similar accident while performing the same stunt in Route 206 of Bordentown, New Jersey.

Just.. -_- Darwin Awards..