Is anyone using DFH Superior in Logic? Routing issues...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys...I'm having some Logic issues with DFH Superior and routing. Hopefully someone can help me out. I'm pasting my post from the Logic forum. Forgive me for getting technical and for the newb questions. :

I'm attempting to route the different drum sounds: kick, snare, etc. to separate channels within an instrument track. I followed the toontrack video that they provided a while ago on how to do this, but I'm having some problems.

Basically, I copy and paste auxilary tracks from the environment window into a new "create!!" window.

I then start on the first track, entitling them "aux 3, aux 4, etc..." From there on, I am supposed to select "Instrument 1, Instrument 2, etc." per the appropriate trakc within the "I/O" buttons. But, when I do this, they turn grey and do NO activate the drum sound.

The only way that the drum sound in activated, is if I change the Aux number on the left menu to "Instrument 1, etc." This would be fine, but all of my drum sounds are being routed to my FIRST channel...even if I change them all individually.

Sorry for the long, drawn out post...But if someone can take the time and help me out, I'd GREATLY appreciate it.


Davis, I use EZdrummer on Logic 8, in toontrack there is a template for routing, try to download it and load it into logic 7 and try to match your settings with the one that you are downloading.

hope it helps
Hey man, I tried the EZ Drummer template. It is basically how I was setting Logic up before, per the DFH video that toontrack made for Logic a whike back to help users with this same issue. But, my sounds are all still being routed to that first channel. Here is a screenshot...
forgot one thing. you have to set the channels in the mixer for ezdrummer to different outputs... :O sorry, about that ;)


By default output on every channel strip is Trk1.

Yeah, I'm using DFH Superior though...

I have a feeling it's a similar issue, just not sure where I should be looking.


Sent you another message, Joe.

But just in case you don't get it (and for anybody else who might have this problem), you can try to trash all the ToonTrack preferences from ~/Library/Preferences and force Logic to revalidate the DFHS plugin. And yes, it should be set to Mono on all channels.

I hope that this works for you.

Take care.