Is Bon Jovi touring Oz soon?

OoooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOooo if this is something to do with a Jovi tour let us know! But I'm probably way off and have no idea what is going on... :lol:
Originally posted by Cooperman
Mum is dying for them to tour. She'll even make the trek over east I think if they don't come here so as soon as you can let the cat out of the bag I'd appreciate it.

I shall...I may have a spare ticket in visa preffered seating as well so we may be extremely close to the stage!:grin:
Ill be there screaming for Jon to get off the stage and let the real talent shine through! ;)

Originally posted by spawn
Ill die humming Stranger In This Town!

You will be a stranger in the town I will take you to to get rid of that Jon fearing out of you. We will kneel in Bon Jovi prayer for one whole day reading from the good book "Blaze Of Glory" and hope and pray that your soul is saved to be welcomed into Jon Bon Jovi heaven for we are "Livin' On A Prayer" :grin:
The Young Guns 2 soundtrack is *fantastic*, but Richie still has a better voice! :D

He always gets forgotten about, he cowrote 90 percent of their stuff, its unfair!
Jon's voice is 72630572057205704365743206 times better! Are you MAD?!?!?! :eek:

I'd love to hear Richie attempt to cut loose and hit those big high notes that Jon does especially on the old songs. He wouldn't even get CLOSE.

Sure Richie has a decent voice, and is a great backing vocalist. No way would he be a good lead vocalist in an arena rock band though. NO WAY.
Richie is da man. Haven't actually bought either of his albums, though.

A few months ago I was talking to my old boss about some band where the guitarist was a better singer than the lead singer, and I said, "Just like Richie Sambora" and he replied, "I was just about to say that!!".
*Shakes head in dismay*

Jon Bon Jovi is literally one of the greatest rock singers of all time. If you say Richie Sambora is better, that would make him one of the greatest singers of all time. And I very much doubt that!
Richie is one of the greatest singers of all time. Easily. Jon is not in the same league as he is, though Jon is a good singer, I wont deny that.


Spiffy, I highly recommend both his solo albums, get them if you see them, they should be fairly cheap :)
Originally posted by Spiff
You know, I never heard anyone anywhere say that Jon was a great singer before this thread came about.


You gotta be kidding right? I know that these days (excuse the pun lol) he doesn't seem to be quite as strong. He sings lower most of the time and with that exaggerated Bret Michaels style accent, and lots of whispering and breathy singing.

But I mean on albums like Slippery and Jersey and listen to ballads like Always and Bed Of Roses..... man that voice is one of a kind. Easily in the top 10 rock singers ever in my book. There aren't many singers around as good as him imo.

Richie sounds like your average usual modern rock singer if you ask me. Nowhere near as unique or flamboyant as Jon, and with only half the range.