Is Bon Jovi touring Oz soon?

I have a lot of trouble believing you have really heard Richies albums properly Troops :)
I've only heard the 2nd one. What's it called? The one that isn't Stranger In This Town anyway lol. I've only herad 1 track off Stranger but I didn't like it.

Spiff: Jon is far more than a decent singer. I don't think even many of the great metal singers of the 80s could do songs like Living On A Prayer justice. That chorus is damn hard to sing...
Well perhaps you ought to give them a proper listen ;)

(The second one is called Undiscovered Soul :) )
I never commented on the songs. Only his voice. :) Even though I didn't like the songs either, I sold the album. For the same reason I hate These Days probably.

It's just a matter of taste probably. I like arena rock. I generally can't stand personal sounding mellow rock that comes from the heart blah blah blah. I like singers who have lots of flair and a big range and high voice, attitude, rock star persona, etc. Like Jon!

But even with taste aside, I don't think its really debatable who has the technically better voice. Can Richie hit the notes Jon does? Nuh uh...
But if you listened to the tracks you would see, firstly, he CAN hit high notes, but he doesnt do it much (mainly just background stuff) because its not an album full of arena rock choruses!

Troops, you are seriously the only person I have ever known to think Jon has a better voice than Richie :)
You and Spiff are the only people I know to think Richie's voice is better! Richie's voice is so BLAND compared to Jon's! That's the word I was looking for! He sings like an alternative rock singer. Boring.

And I have listened to the tracks and they sucked I thought, hence why I don't have it anymore!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe for people who think arena rock is pretentious and crap and say "Ohhhh listen to Pearl Jam or Creed (those 2 bands have the 2 worst singers ever haha), they take their art more seriously" then Richie's boring non rock & roll voice would sound better.

But I am not one of those people as I like my rock music to be fun and not take itself seriously.
I think Spiffy was more worried about you proclaiming Jon one of the top 10 singers ever, and he wasnt saying Richie was better :)

(Correct me if im wrong Spiffy)
Originally posted by Spiff
A few months ago I was talking to my old boss about some band where the guitarist was a better singer than the lead singer, and I said, "Just like Richie Sambora" and he replied, "I was just about to say that!!".

I'll correct you Spawny ;) :lol: :grin:
I have both of Richies solos as well as Jon's and all Bon Jovi albums. Richie is a great singer for the style he does on his solos.His style of singing would not suit Bon Jovi lead.Jon is great at what he does also. I would however never say that any memeber of the band were the elite in their instruments except Dave is up there he has huge talent.
The people I would list in my fav. musicians in their own right none of which are members of Bon Jovi. Yes BJ is my fav. band but "band" is the operative word here.
The chorus is hard to sing, but check out Jon in concert Troops, he doesnt sing it anywhere near as ummm, whats the word.... passionately I guess :)
Yeah I know, I've noticed that too. I have a live version of it on vinyl from 1987 tour... B-Side to Bad Medicine 12" and the chorus doesn't sound great to be honest lol.