Is Dimmu Borgir worth checking out?

Check out ALL of Dimmu's releases and find what you like best. Don't listen to people who tell you the newer stuff is shit because it's actually quite good. I personally prefer Spiritual Black Dimensions, but that's just me. Death Cult Armageddon has some really awesome songs and some of the riffs are very difficult to play.

Again, listen to all their releases and choose which you like the best. I didn't really care much for Puritanical Misanthropic Euphoria, but that's just me.
I take no offence for the band I mentioned since I don't listen to them in the first place but if I did indeed listen to bm I might listen to them.
i have to agree with max, there are a lot of things wrong with that statement haha.

i think pretty much all the Dimmu albums rule except the newest one which ive barely heard and the first one which ive never heard. if you like that symphonic shit get Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and Death Cult Armageddon. Spiritual Black Dimensions has a shitload of keyboards on it too, but i like Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Stormblast more. their albums have pretty absurd titles, and dont call it black metal cause the kids get mad.
I wouldn't call them black metal, but I don't think DB are as bad as people think. PEM is a pretty solid album, same goes with Stormblast and even For All Tid and Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.
I wouldn't call them black metal, but I don't think DB are as bad as people think. PEM is a pretty solid album, same goes with Stormblast and even For All Tid and Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.

We don't need 4 billion sub genres. ok?
OK, well you bitch about they have too much symphonic elements, and I'll be a non-etard and call them bm.
For All Tid is black metal.
Stormblast would have been more black metal sounding if the studio they used didn't fuck it up.
Devil's Path was pretty BM too.

After that, I wouldn't call them BM, even though I love the material.

That's just my opinion though
and that's why you'll never be more than a K-Mart blue-light special of me.