is gene holgan the best drummer in the whole world?

MethodicalWasteManagement said:
Asgeir or Mournier... and for the love of fucking god. DO NOT BE ELITIST FUCKERS. It's a fucking opinion and everybody is warranted to their own. Don't get personal. This goes for all of you... Minus Will.

hahahah "minus will"... excellent :P rawkin t3h Asgeir!

and for the record... control-denied777 is a fucking tard.
You can call it instructional.... but its really not. If you can play the shit he plays in that video... you dont need instruction... its kind of a moot point, but its definitely awesome shit.
Thanks, If Lang is better than Donati then I will have to pick
this up. And hell no, I can't play 1/5th or 1/50th for that matter,
of Donati's stuff. I ain't looking to play this stuff, I am on a quest
to see who blows my socks off. Up till now, Donati has been my
inspiration. If this Lang dude is even slightly better, then he is
one freaky MOFO.
What about that Lang, Minniman, Rabb vid??? Have you ever seen
it or saw it for sale anywhere?
J the TyranT said:
Marco smokes at his independance, but Lang's got even more command than Marco, with his "multi pedal orchestrations" and that double kick on the block ostinato bullshit... its just fuckin ridiculous.


J the TyranT said:
There's a world of music outside of metal, and some of those guys, can kick the fucking shit out of the best the metal world has to offer.

Wrong. Another one of those disillusioned punks who thinks because he listens to something besides metal, his intellect is at a higher level. You obviously have some knowledge on drumming I grant you that, but that above quote showed me you lack any real knowledge on the varieties of metal out there.
I also listen to other music besides metal, homeboy. Namely classical and jazz and many other forms.
As for great musicians that "kick the fucking shit out of the best metal has to offer" comment. You seem to neglect the likes of Steve Vai, Carl Tidemann, Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Michael Romeo, Steve Digiorio, Lars Norberg, John Myung, and many others.

You'll probably go on and name Allan Holdsworth or Victor Wooten. I'll agree Holdsworth pretty much surpasses anyone on the guitar however.

P.S. At least you're not praising Mike Portnoy. You know about Thomas Lang's skill so you're not too fuckin' retarded.
You seem to neglect the likes of Steve Vai, Carl Tidemann, Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Michael Romeo, Steve Digiorio, Lars Norberg, John Myung, and many others.

You'll probably go on and name Allan Holdsworth or Victor Wooten. I'll agree Holdsworth pretty much surpasses anyone on the guitar however.

I am confused here. Weren't we talking about drummers?
Anyway, there are plenty of great metal drummers out there!
Metal prolly has the most talent "drumwise" of all the kinds'
of music that is out there.
I mean Hoglan,Pennie,Haake,Nevermore's drummer, Isis's drumer,
and the list goes on and on. Go to a metal fest and see who the
better musicians are. By far it is the drummers that impressed
me the most.
Hell even Slayer's drummer is pretty good.
And I not too fond of Slayer so don't give me hell.

Stay on track, I said "some"... notice the keyword there? I didnt say all, I said SOME can beat the best metal has to offer.

Once again, for the morons out there:






I dont think Vai is metal. Neither really, is Becker. Gilbert _kind of_ is.

Wooten is awesome, but Im not really a fan of his shit...

I didnt give Holdsworth top honors either...

You seem to be missing the point yourself. There's TJ Helmerich, Ron Thal, and Mattias Eklundh out there. Had you asked, I would've given you the real details without you being a fuckwad and making assumptions
J the TyranT said:

Stay on track, I said "some"... notice the keyword there? I didnt say all, I said SOME can beat the best metal has to offer.

Once again, for the morons out there:






I dont think Vai is metal. Neither really, is Becker. Gilbert _kind of_ is.

Wooten is awesome, but Im not really a fan of his shit...

I didnt give Holdsworth top honors either...

You seem to be missing the point yourself. There's TJ Helmerich, Ron Thal, and Mattias Eklundh out there. Had you asked, I would've given you the real details without you being a fuckwad and making assumptions

:lol: This is true you did say "some". But when someone is being an elitist fuckhead, I tend to enjoy being one as well. I do think Vai is metal ... most of it. Becker always was metal.
I'm not missing the point. You're right about Thal, Eklundh, and Helmerich also.

"Guitarmasturbator" ... :lol: Fucking classic. Props to you ... finding a fellow opinionated asshole like me is always nice.

I will agree with most of what you said directed toward Control - Denied. But give him a break, he's a young metal kid that has yet a lot to learn. Regardless, Gene Hoglan is still one of the greats.
i think virgil donati and thomas lang are somewhere up there. hoglan is wicked good, but definitely not the best. and for metal, the best might be derek roddy...that guy has ridiculous precision...there's a reason he earned the nickname "one take roddy".
Out of most of these names, Gene is the most approachable and nicest cats
that are out there! Not many of these (great) drummers are as easy to get at and talk to as Mr. Hoglan.
GM, all good man... that's totally cool. Where TF are you? That Viking title obviously gives assumptions...
J the TyranT said:
GM, all good man... that's totally cool. Where TF are you? That Viking title obviously gives assumptions...

Haha, believe it or not what you're probably assuming is entirely off(the viking title gives assumptions I prefer however). I was born here in, yes, Alabama. :grin: The nicer areas though. Don't believe everything about the south, we're not all ignorant redneck hicks. Plenty of intelligent people here, though sometimes I feel out of place with the long hair and goatee I've got going on. I've been told by many I talk like I'm from the midwest ... this is a good thing I assume.

I take it you're originally from New York, but presently bound to Houston? Ah, I hated Texas for the week I was there, and even went through Houston, nearly getting lost. Trying to find the right highway during 5 o' clock traffic there isn't something I'd recommend. :Spin:

Anyway you sound like you know what you're talking about. Do you play drums, possibly another instrument?

Mostly drums, and some guitar and bass. I've made the rounds, I've been playin drums since I was 5, and involved in the scene since I was.... like 10 or something cuz of my old man.

I have some friends in AL. One's down by the shore... Mobile area... and another is in Birmingham.

They're good guys, so, I know not everyone is missing teeth in that state...

just most of them... lol
J the TyranT said:
Mostly drums, and some guitar and bass. I've made the rounds, I've been playin drums since I was 5, and involved in the scene since I was.... like 10 or something cuz of my old man.

I have some friends in AL. One's down by the shore... Mobile area... and another is in Birmingham.

They're good guys, so, I know not everyone is missing teeth in that state...

just most of them... lol

:lol: Sadly, some of that can be true. Birmingham is the nicest place here in Alabama, particularly the Hoover area, which is where I used to live, and visit every weekend. Those that live in the nicer areas of Birmingham are mostly intelligent people, which I'm sure you know.

Do you have MSN, man? If so let me know.
You all should listen to Individual Thought Patterns.
You want to hear a great drummer at work.
He is really good dammit. Not a superhero ( Minnemam, Lang, Donati)
but for some old music, this rules!!!!! Go Death!
Terri Bassio is the fuckin man, have u seen that Frank Zappa dvd he goes insane for like 4 hours, and hes funny as hell, i hate all those faggot pedantic drummers who think their shit dont stink, i.e. portnoy. Bassio just goofs around and is funny as shit and still is better then all drummers. Dave Weckal is a great drummer too. When it comes to metal drummers though, i'd say gene is definetely up there with top 5 drummers, i mean next to lars ulrich of course.
Minion520 said:
Terri Bassio is the fuckin man, have u seen that Frank Zappa dvd he goes insane for like 4 hours, and hes funny as hell, i hate all those faggot pedantic drummers who think their shit dont stink, i.e. portnoy. Bassio just goofs around and is funny as shit and still is better then all drummers. Dave Weckal is a great drummer too. When it comes to metal drummers though, i'd say gene is definetely up there with top 5 drummers, i mean next to lars ulrich of course.

What DVD is that?
I want it.
Lykathea Aflame's drummer (Tom Corn?) is awesome , his performance on Elvenefris is unreal , he combinates ultra-technicity and soul which is pretty rare