Is Gwar, Manowar, or Necrophagia good?

I wouldn't forget Sign of the Hammer either, though Kings of Metal might be a good album to start, if you've never listened to Manowar before.
Only my second post here but Manowar are essential metal, the first four albums are great, but the bigger shift into power metal produced great results with Kings of Metal and The Triumph of Steel.:rock:
From Manowar: Into Glory Ride, Hail To England, and Sign of the Hammer are essential. Battle Hymns is good but not essential. Kings of Metal is entertaining and cheesy, worth having. Triumph of Steel is skippable but not without merit. The rest you can pretty much forget about.
All overrated, I prefer Necrophagia over the two others though. Gwar has descent live shows, but their music sucks ass. Manowar is gayer then Poisen.
Necrophagia's first album is fucking essential and their latest is good despite awful album art.

Season of the Dead from 87 is classic old school Death Metal. It's deff worth checking out.