Is it hipster-ish...


Mar 10, 2012
to listen to bands for more than a decade that only released 1-2 records no one heard of?
i think "kvlt" needs to return to the metal lexicon immediately :lol:

"hipsters" are like the cultural boogeyman, everyone says they hate them and are afraid to be viewed as one, but I'm pretty sure they don't really exist in the capacity everyone thinks they do.

People say "they're snobs who hate the mainstream, and dress and act like idiots on purpose, and think they're better than everyone else, and only listen to obscure music and like pop music ironically..." but have you ever actually met anyone like that? and then other people say really stupid stuff like certain bands are "hipster metal" because someone they thought was a hipster said something good about them. i even heard someone refer to Opeth as a "hipster band" one time...what? have they ever been to an Opeth show? if anything, they're a sweaty neckbeard geek band :p
I've seen The Sword being called "Hipster Metal". Don't really care though, because they have some pretty good albums.
I didn't mean the bands were hipsterish, more like me being "You never heard of them" toward the bands. That has to be one of the weirdest mindsets I've ever seen in fandom. Most fans love to talk about their favorites and want to see them become popular. The hipster attitude is the diametric opposite. So odd.

And if anyone cares about the two bands I was referring to: Shadow, a Japanese Gothernburg-style band that really went nowhere. They made two albums but are minus a drummer and guitarist and pretty much are dead in the water. This is from 2001.

The other was Acroma, a fantastic band from SLC who reminded me of a lighter version of Tool. THey made the mistake of signing to Universal, who did NOTHING for the band. One album in 2003 and done. This fan-made video is fuckin amazing.

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Right... no one has ever done that before "hipsters" came about... surly.

Wait, whats that? A band that released 1-2 albums and most haven't heard of them? Oh wow, surly a hipster concept, no doubt!

Right... no one has ever done that before "hipsters" came about... surly.

Wait, whats that? A band that released 1-2 albums and most haven't heard of them? Oh wow, surly a hipster concept, no doubt!


Yeah I know. Was just trying to jump on the whole "Is it..." thread trend here. #FAIL
maybe not in pittsburg, but places like nyc, san francisco, portland(ia) etc there are plenty.

Orange County is infested with those vermin, too, which is typical. 90% of the people in this area put on some kind of facade to pretend they are something other than what they really are.
People say "they're snobs who hate the mainstream, and dress and act like idiots on purpose, and think they're better than everyone else, and only listen to obscure music and like pop music ironically..." but have you ever actually met anyone like that?

Yep, I have. They were called metalheads around the early 2000's. We were all hipster-ish in some way or another due to having our scene forced underground. It was more of a badge of pride rather than anything really condescending.

Unless you were listening to nu metal.

Heh, seriously I have met people like that...not so much with music but with culture and every kind of art in general. It's just elitism that's so elitist it has nowhere else to go but down. It's such a paradox that it's actually mind-boggling. It's all done for attention and an innate desire to be noticed.
to listen to bands for more than a decade that only released 1-2 records no one heard of?

For the record, that all depends on the band "no one's ever heard of". "No one" has to be defined as well as the quality of the music.

Is it some uber kvlt, basement-dwelling black metal band from the 90's who played only one show which was composed of just guitar feedback and the only copies of anything they ever put out were ten bootlegs from said show? Yeah, it's hipster.

Hipsters are the same people who like terrible modern art. Hopefully Sandy killed most of them.
Is it some uber kvlt, basement-dwelling black metal band from the 90's who played only one show which was composed of just guitar feedback and the only copies of anything they ever put out were ten bootlegs from said show? Yeah, it's hipster.

Did you see the 'One Man Metal' documentary on these guys who do black metal albums solo? Man these guys are seriously damaged.

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When I say "hipsters don't exist in the capacity that the internet says they do" I don't mean there aren't hipsters, PERIOD...I just mean that the thought that hipsters are invading culture as a whole and ruining it or that anyone who likes a certain kind of music is a "hipster" is ridiculous. There will always be douchebags of all stripes, it's just very weird to me that people on the internet attack each other by calling each other hipsters and such.

Yep, I have. They were called metalheads around the early 2000's. We were all hipster-ish in some way or another due to having our scene forced underground. It was more of a badge of pride rather than anything really condescending.

Unless you were listening to nu metal.

Heh, seriously I have met people like that...not so much with music but with culture and every kind of art in general. It's just elitism that's so elitist it has nowhere else to go but down. It's such a paradox that it's actually mind-boggling. It's all done for attention and an innate desire to be noticed.

I was a tween who thought Linkin Park was awesome :( But yeah, I know what you mean. I think the real problem is people equating musical taste with personal superiority. that's certainly not limited to hipsters - metalheads STILL do this a lot, too.