Is it just me, or is Peter in his prime musically?


Photo Mistress
I got to thinking about this a few weeks ago and thought it might be an interesting subject to discuss in here. I really, really think Peter is in his prime musically right now. Why do I say that? If you look at how well Pain's Dancing With the Dead is done and how well Hypocrisy's Virus is done, I think you guys might agree. I thought neither of my favourite cds of either band would EVER become second favourites, but because of these two latest albums, I have been pleasantly suprised. I don't know what the hell got into the water over there at his house or if the aliens spiked his food, but whatever it is, KEEP IT GOING!!! I've been quite fascinated for a long time now about his ability to keep everything he does fresh and new and for him to be so musically inclined. I mean, how many death metal dudes do you know that would have a side project that sounds like Pain? Most of the ones I can think of would NEVER be that open-minded. It's cool that he can have such creative outlets and also get a lot of notice by fans for both of the accomplishments. I know he's been a bit suprised by the amount of attention Pain has gotten - hell it rivals Hypocrisy! - but I am happy by that because it means he doesn't let popularity (or lack there of) influence any of his music. He just does his own thing. Anyone out there agree, disagree, have any comments?
Been away for a few days :D...

Good you sorted the downhill-part in there, I was ready to comment on that ;)
But only because I´m scared to death of the day when the man realizes "hey, I´ve on the most top I´m ever gonna go, so now I´ll quit". No-hou!!!!

Boring to say that I agree. But I agree with you, totally! You outspoke things I have only thought in my head. Both Hypo and Pain are now on the highest they have ever been (in my opinion).
And I have always admired Mr.Tägtgrens cabability to constantly creating something outstanding and moreover NEW! I know nobody else who´d be even close to that.
very interesting...

b4 Virus came out I thought Peter's prime was the Final Chapter-Self titled album's era

I dont know anymore...


why would he anyway? he has a new all allstar lineup of musicians with him...great things ahead!!!

and according to what I've heard, they are totally arsekicking live lately...they should build on that!!!

and anyway, Peter IS music...he may try to quit, but music wont quit on him...

oh no it wont...hes like the warhammer of the death metal's God
Qth said:
Yeah he should have stayed in Bloodbath though.

I thought he made it clear "HE WASNT 'IN' BLOODBATH" He just hopped in the studio and laid the vocals down. he didnt even have anything to do with production.
Supernova said:
and anyway, Peter IS music...he may try to quit, but music wont quit on him...

oh no it wont...hes like the warhammer of the death metal's God

That is a great, great quote - soooooooo true! That's like trying to drag me away from my music and my photography - like THAT would evre happen! lol

I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks something like this. It took me about two months to finally compose this post - I have thought that for a while, just wasn't sure how to put it words finally.
hehe glad you liked the post Squeak ;)

as for bloodbath...we always knew he wasnt really part of it as he was "guest vocals" on NMF but til the last time I was hoping he would come back for the forthcoming album...
Yeah i also knew that, just expressed it a bit wrong. And it was kinda the same with mike if i recall correct? He just stopped by and recorded the vocals, the other guys did the writing and recorded the music without him i think. And its not like the rest of the guys was in it 100% either, its been a side-project for all of them, until now.
So just like Supernova i hoped that Peter would step back in as a permanent singer now when they finally decided to get serious and start touring etc.
I just hope they find someone thats equal to peter and mike, doubt that they will though. :(
Maybe he is at his musical prime with Hypocrisy. You have to remember he has other projects and nothing is stopping him from starting something new at any given moment. He could experiment with a new type of music and could not be in his prime with that for 10 years.
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm talking about at this VERY moment. I'm not saying he won't get better, I'm DEFINITELY not saying he will go downhil and I'm not saying he won't come out with yet another killer project. I'm just taking it as this moment right this second and comparing it with everything done up until now.
The Bringer said:
I haven't listened to Pain enough yet. :ill:
hehe more fool you..get on to it!!

have to agree with Squeak there, I think his musical virtuosity increases every year! And if need be, to get it out, he creates another band to do even more diverse stuff.

Squeak -you and me petition for Hypocrisy+Mnemic tour??!!