Is it possible to be objective in the way we view anything?

I would suggest that it depends on your framework for objectivity as to whether it is possible or not. If one takes what I believe to be the strict sense of it, as a view of reality with no perspective applied to it, then I think that is a false, impossible notion. If one qualifies their objectivity as 'objective within a subjective, present notion of humanity / reality' then it seems a reasonable and useful tool for laying out what one believes to be the factual data of a situation that others would be able to perceive and interpret as they wish.
It is one thing to view, it is another to observe and to apply logic vis-a-vis the scientific method to the collected data. It is possible to be objective, though in practice there is little incentive to do so outside of the scientific and in rare cases philosophical circles. Unfortunately, at least in the States, discourse is a farce at best, not least because of the prevailing anti-intellectual climate, especially noxious in Appalachia, instantly makes one the 'bad guy' for either introducing statistics or debunking faulty logic...worse if the counter-party happens to be right-brained.

Yes, although I'm far from objective in the way I view anything. Objective means considering all possible viewpoints. Now, it is impossible to absolutely understand every possible viewpoint. However, we can still interpret and consider each perspective.

I suppose the argument ultimately boils down to whether or not people can absolutely understand and identify with all the viewpoints they're trying to consider. We can certainly think about and ponder them; but whether or not we can identify with them is another matter. I believe we can understand them, but others may disagree.
It is unlikely there is just one way to see the picture that is correct. Also, no one could ever see any of the possible pictures unless they could absorb and comprehend everything in the universe including every mathematical concept, every psychological quirk of every living creature, and know everything that ever happens, ever has happened, and everthing that will happen (time would have to not be a barrier) etc. So basically some kind of omnipresent god.

Hmm I think the problem is that once you admit multiple correct perspectives you inherently expose the possibility of 2 contradictory, correct perspective thus leading to a contradiction.

Im envisaging some kind of proof where you prove that if you have a perspective then you can construct an adjacent correct perspective with some minimal difference, you could then use that to create another one which is further from the original one eventually resulting in contradiction.

My gut feeling is that if you admit multiple correct perspectives you end up with the set of all perspectives being potentially the set of all perspectives.
I would say that everything is seen objectively. That is to say; We all see the same things. What makes one have a differing opinion from another is in what it means.
I would say that everything is seen objectively. That is to say; We all see the same things. What makes one have a differing opinion from another is in what it means.

What if what you saw as blue, I see as green?

Every single piece of information we absorb is subject to our own perception. Therefore I would say that nothing can be seen objectively.
What if what you saw as blue, I see as green?

Every single piece of information we absorb is subject to our own perception. Therefore I would say that nothing can be seen objectively.

You don't see it as green, you see it as blue, just as I do. You only call it green. Meaning; we have differing value systems on how things are named.
OK, say I was colour blind... blue appears green to me.
While we are both looking at the same object, I am going to take something different away from viewing it than you will.
This applies to everything... and I do mean everything.

Our comprehension of what is going on around us differs from person to person because we all have; limitations, different upbringing, opinions etc etc...
Even when 2 people do agree on something, they don't necessarily think about the subject exactly the same way... they may end up at the same place, but they will do so objectively.