is it possible..?


Oct 12, 2007
The North
my vocalist just got a sm7b but we dont have a preamp with high enough gain let alone clean enough.

so we are wondering if we could run the mic through our yam. emx5000 with rca cables into my m-audio 10/10lt?

would it provide sufficient gain?

would it just be a bad idea all around?

or should i just save some cash up for a decent mic pre with high enough?

OR is there a plugin that might help with the low output problem?
Yup, the mic inputs on a mixer have pre-amps in them, and going out of that to your m-audio shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, your m-audio 10/10lt has 2 mic inputs on it if i'm not mistaken, and there's no reason why you couldn't just plug the sm7b straight into that. Try both and see what sounds best.

EDIT: If low output is a problem i suggest simply making your vocalist get closer to the mic, or try it with a different mic cable. I compared a variety of xlr cables about a year ago, some old some new and a few of the old ones were very quiet
i hope getting closer to the mic will solve that issue. at the moment i dont have the $ to dish out for a nice preamp to go with the mic.

thanks for your input so far!

btw do you know of any preamps within the $150-$300 price range that are worth buying?
ah thanks dude, when i searched i was looking in all the sm7 threads.. whenever i searched highgain preamp nothing really came up in my price range.. i should probably make more use the the google search function DOH!

thanks though :)
No prob. man, I hear ya on searching sucking ass sometimes - try searching for the above preamp models I mentioned, cuz there have been a few threads on cheap preamps just recently!
studio projects is looking perfect at the moment!

it looks like it has enough gain for the sm7 and its perfect in price range!

im using this for screaming do you think it will get too mushy with the cheap preamp gain?
Can't say cuz I don't have any experience with it, but I'm pretty sure it has a solid-state option that you could use if the tube didn't work! (and also upgrading the tube, I like Penta Labs 12AX7 in my guitar amps, dunno about pro audio stuff). The M Audio DMP3 has up to 66 dB of gain, though...
Well a 6 dB increase is actually a doubling in perceived volume, but I'm sure the 60 dB on the Studio Projects will be more than adequate - I was just pointing out that the M Audio has plenty of gain too.
only 30$ more also... and another channel.. this one is also looking good!

i guess i will decide once the mic actually gets here.

good looking out
It's perfectly fine to chain mic pres together for more gain, although you'll get more noise (which could be inconsequentual). Or if you have a compressor, you could set it to not affect the signal, and use it's make up gain control for more gain.
For search, just use Google and put the forum's address in the appropriate box in Advanced Search.

When I record my SM7B I don't worry too much about input levels - recording at 24bit means less need to get everything right under the clipping point, so I just put the gain knob somewhere reasonable but on the low side (just in case I lose it and get too loud) and raise the level in the DAW. I'm too lazy to figure out exactly how much gain I'll need, but running the mic through a little homemade box with around 40dB of gain was enough for me and anything over 60 will be enough to hear mice thinking in another room.

so any amount of gain from my soundcard preamp will do?(m-audio 10/10lt)

hey jeff how much did your homemade box cost? and do you have the intructions to build one still?
Fuck if I remember, I have so many little bits and pieces of everything laying around that I don't know how much anything costs anymore. It's not as good as what you'll find if you search for "$5 giant-killing mic pre" - that's simple (it's just setting up a damn good op-amp to do all of the work) and cheap (you can get five of the op-amps shipped to you for free by Texas Instruments, just go to their site, sign up, and let the free shinies roll in), so I'd recommend doing that.

I've got a DMP3 and a Studio Project VTB-1. Honestly I think that the DMP3 sucks on metal vocals, but the VTB-1 gives them justice. It's no where near as hot as the DMP3, but it has a nice warm and growly character, where the DMP2 is sort of bright and clean, but I think it sounds dull on screamers. You won't be able to get the VTB-1 input leval that hot and it has a tendency to clip pretty easy, so just be careful with that. Like Jeff said, you don't need your recording levels super hot. You can always add gain with plug in compressors later. Also the VTB-1 is a great guitar pre, just remember it's not the most crystal clear pre on the market. It's clean yes, but it definitely has a nice character for what your trying to do.