Is It Possible...


Apr 18, 2008
To do great mixes with inexpensive equipment? I only have Adobe Audition, some USB mics, and a lot of experiance with the two. I have no direct interfaces, pre amps, mixboards, etc no pro tools. I really dont have any money, and its not gonna change until I get new projects. But is it possible to get great sounds from that? Is there any free VST plugins I can get to help me get the most out of Adobe? Don't laugh at what I have, it's all I can afford and I love it. It's served me well so far in the mixes I've done which have satisfied the bands ha. Just I know you guys are really helpful on here, and I wondered if there is more I can do to get futher quality from this all.


- Sean.
Thanks for the advice. Yeah, Adobe takes a while to make mixes. I don't have anyway to record DI's though. I have no direct interface capabilities.
I have no money man. Litterally. can't find a "real job" here in Michigan, and I'm in the middle of trying to get SSI (suplmentary security income) because of my dissability. Which seems to be a reason I can't find a job, I can't do manual labor, or fast food even because I have brittle bones/wheelchair.
To put thing short - yes. Lots of great free plugins everywhere (just discovered gclip). Switching to reaper would be a good sugestions couse my rememberance of audition was that it's quite awkward to work with
I have no money man. Litterally. can't find a "real job" here in Michigan, and I'm in the middle of trying to get SSI (suplmentary security income) because of my dissability. Which seems to be a reason I can't find a job, I can't do manual labor, or fast food even because I have brittle bones/wheelchair.
I'm sorry to hear about your dissability. thats a tough one, cause recording can get really expensive.
good luck to you though.
Well let me list all I have I guess.

Adobe Audition 1.5

My plugins include


That's it. My monitors aren't that good either, but i'd like to say my ears are well trained.
(or Sonar, or whatever) won´t make your mixes sound better or worst than a ProTools or Nuendo. It will just take more time to edit and mix, and you'll have to rely more on external plugins that you would with a better DAW

Uhh, what the fuck?

Sonar has way better included plugins than most DAWS, better audio quantizing and a great built in vocal tuner that does pitch to midi...

Sonar is EQUALLY as "pro" as any daw :)

It takes me longer to mix in cubase than in sonar :) But that is cause i don't know cubase :)
Well you are for sure going to need an interface of some sort. Those USB mics are great for things like podcasts and such. Basically anything where you don't need to monitor at the same time.

So that would be a total nightmare for any music with more than one instrument.

I would sell those USB mics, and get a cheap interface with a at least a mic preamp and and guitar DI. Then pick up a cheap MXL or other chinese condenser mic. The main reason is near zero latency monitoring.

Then use Reaper or Krystal with free plugs. Audition I hear is a bear to use for multi-track audio. Like Audacity, you can get the job done, but holy crap it is a lot of work.

Use Independence Free or a free drum sampler (check and program all the drums. Oh wait, you have already dropped $500+ or so on plugins with no hardware, so use those :rolleyes:

For interfaces I have an Emu 0202 USB that I use in my office and am fairly happy with it. Clock stability could be better. But you can find them for $89. You can get an MXL 900 for $59 if you look hard enough. Or go used. Also check out the Line6 POD Studio's, they look great for the money.

In fact with the Emu stuff, you get quite a bundle of software. Cubase LE, Sonar LE, Amplitube LE. Basically enough stuff to get ideas down. Mix that with some free plugs, and monitors that you know, and I feel confident I could do some pretty sweet sounding release worthy demos. Commercial quality, well I would need better ears/skills first.
Nah man, Sonar is apparently really kickass - I was gonna get it this summer, but I couldn't pass up Reaper for $50 :D
Uhh, what the fuck?

Sonar has way better included plugins than most DAWS, better audio quantizing and a great built in vocal tuner that does pitch to midi...

Sonar is EQUALLY as "pro" as any daw :)

It takes me longer to mix in cubase than in sonar :) But that is cause i don't know cubase :)

+1, w0rd brah
Whats the point in having amplitube if you've no way of recording guitars DI?

Some bands i mix/master already have them recorded.

And thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate it. I'm looking into a Pod. I had one but it got stolen. And yeah, I know how bad I need monitors trust me! haha