Is it worth getting steven slates trigger or upgrade drumagag??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
Whats a better investment these days.. I been out of the loop a littlw while.. Slates samples always souned good and i can use new samples...Trigger says it comes with the SSL Platnuim samples is that all the platnium samples??

Thanks guys..
Trigger seems to be turning into the industry standard. It comes with a great set of samples, plus the ability to create your own .tci files (multi-sample file). You wont be making a mistake by investing in Trigger.
It's not a hardware issue.... Depending on your software version, trigger is VERY inaccurate triggering OFF of midi notes. It generates them ok, but will not trigger from them correctly. A large group of us has been complaining about this for a WHILE, and no word yet from Slate on a fix. But yeah like others have said, other than the midi issue, Trigger is the bee's knee's. I'd go for it.
Trigger if you can get the original version (1.62?). That's what I have since it came out, no issues with MIDI, but as mentioned people have issues with later versions of Trigger handling MIDI properly.