Is "Lethe" most fans' gateway song to DT?

I first heard 'Punish my Heaven' on a compilation c.d from Osmose, but 'Lethe' is definitely the highlight from The Gallery, so yeah, for me it was pretty much the song that made my ears prick up and think, woah, what's going on here.
I guess I came kinda late into the scheme, cause the first album I heard was haven when it came out, and the song that really hooked me back then was Indifferent Suns, the Wonders at your feet and At Loss for Words. All the rest I heard much later actually.
The first DT single I heard was actually The wonders at your feet. Note, that i'm from india, getting hold for a King Diamond album is difficult here:rolleyes: however we had access to this french music channel (MCM) and they used to broadcast a lot of metal. This was where i caught the video... i cannot recall if it was live or an official video.... although, i do remember that the band that followed DT was Stratovarius - Hunting high and low :cry:
I got into dt through Damage Done, but the songs that first got me hooked were Feast Of Burden and Single Part of Two (odd, I know). I never listened to death metal before dt, so I got into them from the more approachable, melodic songs.
For me the gateway song was ThereIn, along with the whole Projector album (I bought it after hearing ThereIn and FreeCard on the Century Media website). When I went back to hear The Gallery, Lethe impressed me most immediately, though ultimately Punish My Heaven became my favorite track from that album because of how varied and imaginative it was.
Not based on what I first heard, but I personally think since DT's albums are so diff, a couple gateway songs would be needed. Punish My Heaven would be the early one, Haven would be the middle one, and Lost To Apathy would be the late one.
0_o single part of two was also my first DT song along with Lost To Apathy!
single part of two had such a unique sound....unique song structure...was what made me realize DT, even though they're more unique than most bands, could be even unique within themselves....and thats what I look for in a band. I don't like bands that...despite their level of uniqueness....always are the same. I personally loved how Opeth also did like that whole soft normal song albulm...and on their new album made like a old-school rock ballad thing.

Nether Novas was also another hooker for me. I love that song.
lethe definitely had to grow on me but i like it quite a bit. if you want to get specific it's my 37th fav dt song out of 131 favorites. but my DT gateway song was lost to apathy. that was also one of my first melodeath gateway songs too and my 10th fav song of all time haha
My gateway actually was Lethe, I first heard about these guys after looking up In Flames on "Sputnikmusic" and i found their Jester Race album which i really enjoyed, and Dark Tranquillity was reccomended by the user. Needless to say i looked at a review of "The Gallery" and loved Punish My Heaven, and every other song after that, but the one song that just hit me and hit me hard the first time was "Lethe". That song got me hooked on DT amd made me think about music differently. So i guess in many ways Lethe was not only my gateway into DT but also my gateway into viewing music as an actual art, and how beautiful it can really be.
My gateway was "The New Build", I couldn't sleep that day because I just kept playing that song over and over.

New topic for the thread, "which song first caught your attention on each album".

Going backwards it would be:
Surface the Infinite
The New Build
Monochromatic Stains
On your Time
Eden Spring