Is POD "tact tone" actually being used by bands/ AE's today as a term?

Here ya go guys .... the FUTURE OF METAL PRODUCTION!!


:lol::lol: Priceless!
I think this is a fad. The kinds of music a lot of people are making right now sounds good with that meshuggah kind of digital chunk, but eventually they'll get tired of imitating and wander along to something new. It only works for a few types of music really so I wouldn't worry about it too much. It'll pass :)
I think this is a fad. The kinds of music a lot of people are making right now sounds good with that meshuggah kind of digital chunk, but eventually they'll get tired of imitating and wander along to something new. It only works for a few types of music really so I wouldn't worry about it too much. It'll pass :)

It's completely not the tone that's at issue here, it's the fact that he said he is trying to get a "tacting" tone, or that the mix calls for a "tact" tone. It doesn't make sense, but yet THIS is a term used by bedroom studio noobs? All hope is gone.

1. a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.
2. a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination.
3. touch or the sense of touch.
Wasnt that user that was always asking for settings and presets that once said "tact"? I cant believe people actually use that shit....

The hackingtosh C4 brings teh lulz though
just a bumbling moron with bad English :lol:

first, mmm, I believe that I did not offend to is sad that you use those words...respect, you know?
and, one thing, 800 questions?hahah. sure?xD. not many conversations with you...and...0 pod conversations...

i began that pod tact thread, yes.haha. it was an error because i´m not a native english man.hahahaha.
and, i´m not the man in that forum.haha. i prefer real amps completely. basically i can´t record real amps because i have not a good amp, head, mics...

i asked for presets...yes...haha. now i make my own presets.
i was waiting for eternally gutted to chime in!

you've created a web storm, that's much more than most of us will do! aha

it's your claim to internet (or at least AE) fame!

so anyways, just how do pod tact?

i was waiting for eternally gutted to chime in!

you've created a web storm, that's much more than most of us will do! aha

it's your claim to internet (or at least AE) fame!

so anyways, just how do pod tact?


hahahahaahaha. new guitar (ESP) and decent interface/preamp.haha. and mainly a good guitar player.haha.

this happens when you use a term in another languague thinking it´s the same.hahaha.

what did you understand exactly with 'tact'?