Is POD "tact tone" actually being used by bands/ AE's today as a term?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
So this kid friended me on Facebook...I accepted the request only because I saw he had a mutual friend...He sends me a message saying that he has been "using podfarm...because the bands he has been recording are looking for a very tact tone, almost digital."

Is this really happening?


I wanna think this guy is on this forum (how else would he know this term), so Chris, I don't mean to be calling you out, but...
Update...I messaged him back:

Me: What's tact tone? The only time I've heard this is on the Sneap forum and it didn't really make sense...still doesn't. Did your clients actually say they want "tact tone"? Facepalm
Him: No, they didn't say they wanted it tacting, but what they said they were looking for was basically a very processed tone with almost a digital sound ummm mostly used in more modren hardcore metalcore bands, there are a very typical run of the mill metalcore band. a good example of a mix that's tacting...*link to some band*

is this really happening?
He said he was on the Sneap forum, so I hope he chimes in with his viewpoint. I don't want to take stabs at the guy because I am genuinely curious if this is the kind of stuff people in the crabcore/metalcore recording actually say, haha. I just can't believe what has turned into a Sneap forum meme has actually become some kind of term for using digital amp sims. I mean, "a tacting tone"? That doesn't even remotely resemble any kind of coherence.
I think you have to play guitar like him in that video to get the tact.
Its because the magnets in the pickups sound different when you are down to the ground, and you hit the strings different.

Here ya go guys .... the FUTURE OF METAL PRODUCTION!!

The guy who started the whole "tact" thing (Eloy, I believe?) added me to msn after somehow getting my address, and asks me about 800 questions a second. I would delete him, but I sort of knew something like this would happen, and didn't want to cut all ties, just in case he ends up being an actual comedy genius and not just a bumbling moron with bad English :lol: