is reverend bizarre still good?


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
or were they one of those mayfly bands that were super hyped for a while and then everyone kind of tired of them because they were too gimmicky? was it ever built to last?

when "in the rectory" came out i loved it, then i kind of tired of the whole thing, didn't listen to them AT ALL for a few years, but recently when i play some of the better songs like "in the rectory" or "strange horizon" i realize this is actually good music, if a little corny. what do y'all think
i haven't listened to them in a while, and never really was crazy about their II album (whatever it was called) but III: So Long Suckers has some quality, if extremely drawn out, tunes on it. And In the Rectory is still a classic.
i like them a lot, but to me they are pretty inconsistent. it seems i love about half the songs on each release, and the other half doesnt do much for me. the reeeally slow drawn out stuff doesnt always hold my interest, the tone/production isnt sludgy/dirty/thick&heavy enough or something i guess? i think i'll put some on now!
C'mon Grahn!!!


i'm here, i'm actually a lot more like i used to be than some peepz, i'm just a lot more chill now

i just think it's interesting to see how long certain hype machines run and what happens thereafter
Seriously though I didn't "get" this band until So Long Suckers came out. I mean sure, years later I love the other stuff as well, but it's pretty campy/fun and not much else. Nothing wrong with that of course! I think I just love to begin posts with "seriously though" which really fits whoever it is that I am today.


But, this album? Quite possibly the greatest Heavy Fucking Thing ever released. I mean take Caeser Forever, at that point in the album, if you've made it that far (somewhere around minute 85), it has become a veritable process that you are now INVOLVED within. This is now an interesting documentary at the very least, a fucking torrid relationship at best. So when the low chanting vocals start, ushering in the lengthy keyboard outro?

That is some god damn magic right there. THEY WERE THE BLACK WIZARDS. :kickass:
ok here is a drunk and unscientific and drunk ranking of Reverend Bizarre releases:

Harbinger of Metal (strange horizons and wandering jew and dunkelheit are that fucking great, yes)
II Crush the Insects (hated in this thread but great songs i think, RB is great at midpace)
Thulsa Doom (fuckin quality riffs, no lagging)
In The Rectory (good shit)
Return to the Rectory (more good shit)
III So Long Suckers (inconsistent)
tons of splits

i wonder if anyone else has a ranking even close to this?!
Fun fact: after my little beer/whisky/fun there, I was of course blasting So Long Suckers, having a grand old time.

By the time Caeser Forever came on, I fell asleep, and woke up right after it ended to enjoy the rest of the album.
i yanked these out of the totes they were in. Harbinger and Crush the Insects are the best. Great metal.

i dont enjoy Rectory. I think its too slow and sludgy.

if there was a single for caesar forever id get it. only song on so long suckers i truly like
Man I still don't like In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend (other than it being an amazing album title). I think Crush the Insects is great and So Long Suckers is even better but this first one... no thanks!

Which is stupid because really there is only about 2% worth of difference between all their shit anyhow.

[/useless bump]
[/useless life]
I agree! Except for the part about SLS being the best (too much filler). But Ceasar Forever and They used Dark Forces....woah!

Crush the Insects and Harbinger of Metal are the two I come back to.

The 2 disc comp thingy is neato too
...and Harbinger of Metal are the two I come back to.
I need to investigate their EPs some day, all I have is Return to the Rectory and it's... okay.

in the rectory is so damn good. bummer it hasn't hit yet
That's why I keep on keepin' on, someday mayhap it shall!

And I shall be there, slowly headbanging myself into oblivion.
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coming back to rb now i have a real hard time with the mastering, it’s all extremely compressed and overloud in a way that is super fatiguing when you’re already trying to listen to twenty minute songs comprised of thicc ass power chords

i’m sure it’s that deaf fuck from finnvox studios doing his usual music destruction