Sorry Ola. It was pretty constructive and friendly until Mr. Guru arrived.
Yes. Please close it. For posterity.
Yes. Please close it. For posterity.
Why? That cab was removed directly after the complaint.
I really miss that impulse, it was perfect for me. Haven't found one that was better after that one, I use the original impulse now but it just isn't the same.
Fractal audio apologized and removed it immediately when the owner asked. But you blame the company for what the users said?
You don't think constant MAJOR upgrades including new amps, drives, reworked amps/algorithms, immediate help with faulting models that might lead to a new one being sent or getting repairparts for free even though it may not be the models fault and more is not good costumer service?
Well this is the problem. No one has acknowledged that the word fad is bullshit. It's something people use to dismiss something else, without giving it the critical thought that it requires.
drew wins
I can't believe all the arguing about whether something is a fad or not..
No one gets to say whether the enthusiasm for something is warranted or not, all you have is an individual perspective and opinion, which is completely irrelevant to anything except the choices YOU make (ie whether a product, evolution or innovation is suitable for YOU)
Why are most so obsessed with validating their opinion by demanding the whole world agrees with them?
There's even a comment in here dissing drew cause no ones backing him up? maybe he's NOT a pussy who only can speaks only his mind when he knows the pack agrees with him?
The question of this thread is basically "hey all these people really like this thing, so should I like it? or are they just idiots"
Ironically that's pretty much the basis for a fad mentality..
Anyway, no one will agree with me so I must be wrong as wrong can be.
lick my sack
it's being marketed as the most revolutionary product to ever bless the guitar processor market
Is it really? or is the market itself just really enthusiastic about it?
Is it not at the leading edge of it's field?
How many people in this thread have actually USED an Axe-FX?
I have - owned one for a bit 18 months ago. I realize there have been updates to it since, and I am tempted to get another one - however...
While it feels like a real amp, and while it sounds/feels awesome through a poweramp/cabinet, I'm not sure it sounds better than my 5150, a Recto, a 5150III, etc...
Recorded, however, I still find the tones to be lacking. We need speaker movement, period - I'd use it for scratch tracks, but I'd always end up reamping with a real setup. I'm not sure if that setup would be an AxeFX + poweramp + cabinet, or a real amp + cab. Seeing that my 5150 + Mesa 4x12 cost me less than even the AxeFX standard, and in all likeliness sounds better than the AxeFX + poweramp + cab setup, I'm inclined to just use my PODxt Pro for scratch tracks and reamp with my rig.
How's your 5150 do for Recto tones? Mark tones? Marshall tones? Fender tones? ENGL tones?
the Cynic guys when I saw them live had a guitar tone that was so liquid and smooth I felt like I was swimming