Is there a thread on the lunar eclipse?


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Nov 25, 2005
Eureka, CA
Are you gonna be watching it? Sorry Europeans/people in those relative time zones, apparently you're not gonna be able to see it (it's gonna go behind the horizon or something).

But for the rest of us:


I'm gonna try and wake up for it.
I'm up everyday at that, heck yeah. Clear sky and a big moon tonight!
Sweet....I'll be up late cleaning the hovel, so I'll totally watch that. :D
Well keep your fingers crossed! I know, fat chance, humboldt coast and all. But even then you could probably just drive inland a few miles toward Blue Lake and be good. I'm just hoping that I can sorta roll outa bed and be able to look at it out my front door.
Man, I just went up to check on the observatory up here, see if it was in the clear for usage...

Theres this group of 5 guys in "I believe" shirts. I left after I was asked which season of X-Files was my favorite... I shit you not. Thats nerdiness that not even I wish to be around.
By some stroke of absolutely retarded luck, it's CLEAR as shit here at 2-3am. Which never, ever happens. It's usually always fogged in. Gonna get back up in a little bit and go watch some more. Since it's clear it's subsequently cold as shit.