Is there a thread on the lunar eclipse?

It was cool! Although I almost got a ticket from a sherriff for being parked at the beach parking lot when I wasn't supposed to be. But so were other people. We're watching an eclipse, who gives a fuck?
Anyway, I met Lesa in person for the first time and we hung out and talked about music and life and shit. She's cool as fuck. But I'm afraid I'll take to her insomnia if I hang out with her too much :lol:
It was great to wake up at 3:45am, roll over in bed, look out the window, say "Wow, nice" and go back to sleep. I'll just wait for dad's pictures from his observatory and 'scopes. Plus, he's making time-lapsed images. Saves me from staying too awake.
My cat was scratching at more door at 5 am, so I got up to scare it away then I was like...5 am...Somethings going on right now that I wanted to see...then I just forgot then went back to bed, forgetting to even open the door for the then I fell back asleep.
It was cool! Although I almost got a ticket from a sherriff for being parked at the beach parking lot when I wasn't supposed to be. But so were other people. We're watching an eclipse, who gives a fuck?
Anyway, I met Lesa in person for the first time and we hung out and talked about music and life and shit. She's cool as fuck. But I'm afraid I'll take to her insomnia if I hang out with her too much :lol:

Watch out, you don't want to become like of the living dead :loco:

Twas awesome. Too bad all of my photos of the moon resemble tiny, blurry, red dots. Time to buy a new camera, me thinks.
I heard that. Mine were either really over-exposed and blurry if there was even a sliver of directly reflected sunlight off the moon, or just insignificant brown specks when it was fully eclipsed. I did just take a nap for a couple hours so I'm doing better than earlier. My energy level wasn't bad but my body just wasn't into it (work) at all. It was kinda weird.
Get a tripod, set for long exposure time.

I used a piece of driftwood as a makeshift tripod and set the exposure for each manual exposure time I have on this thing. Anywhere from like a 64th of a second to 8 seconds. Probably tried taking around 40 pictures. None of them turned out. Camera = fail.
Oh. Well, those three are good. I own the S3 and had an a620, (the a630 is an improvement to it), Derick has the Panny. When you have the cash, take a look.
I shall. My dad has an Olympus that I envy on a semi-regular basis (whenever I see his pictures he's taken). The picture quality is extremely good. A lot of the sunrise pictures he's taken, their quality can be attributed to just the phenomenal conditions of the weather that allowed it to look like that it's photoshopped to hell; but his camera's ability to capture that affect is wonderful
I forget exactly. Around 10mp resolution, all kinds of features I (and some, he) have no idea how to use. It's not the top of the line or anything, he didn't spend thousands of dollars on it, but it definitely shits on my camera ten times over.