Is there a way to invert MIDI velocity values?


I like music
May 11, 2009
I am trying to set up two separate midi tracks with randomized velocities that never overlap. Is there any software that can invert the velocity values of a MIDI track so that 127 becomes 0, 126 becomes 1 and so on?
I guess you could write a script or something to do that.
Subtract original velocity with 127 and multiply that value with -1 to get a positive number
for the new velocity..
Not sure exactly how deep the cubase logic editor goes. What daw?

Cubase SX3. I've taken a look at the editor, but I haven't found any functions that seem like they could be used for something like this.
Cubase SX3. I've taken a look at the editor, but I haven't found any functions that seem like they could be used for something like this.

OK then take a look here:

And reverse engineer some JS MIDI plugin to make it do what you want.

Or just ask for this plugin to be written at Reapers forum JS section.

It is just few lines of code.

(i am too lazy and have some other things to do)