is there a word for this (actual content inside thread)


Sep 12, 2002
sort of dumbing yourself down to fit in with the people that populate your life even though you know you could be having entirely different conversations with other people if you could somehow change your life, yet, at the same time feeling like you might not be able to sustain that level of convo if given/achieving an environment like that?

now how is it condescending, when the hypothetical term entails actually liking these people for who they are, yet realizing that you could be gaining different things from others who actually... read?
also, i'm not sure what you mean by 'slumming'.

then again, i don't want to know, as you seem content to shove your body parts inside of noses with some semblance of pride.
i'm sure there's a japanese word for it. there is no english word for something so complex. it would have to be a phrase.
is this like watching Coach reruns because they are always on instead of waiting for 60 minutes and then never watching TV at all because you are always out when 60 minutes is on?
no, i think it's more like letting your cat bite your arm for most of the day because it affords you some sort of manageable quota for pain/pleasure stimulus, but then you always remember that time you were stung by a bee and you know[i/] that there's a hive down the street, and hey, look, in your right hand is a giant stick coated in flower pollen.