The Abortion (that is this) Thread

i don't like to brag but my IQ is 128, i was in the "smart" class in high school, also have a bs and an ms. i barely read or studied cuz i was a lazy fuck but got mostly Bs and B+s anyway

And this proves your value how?
Yes. Value isn't absolutely measurable, and it often comes down to what people/groups of people identify as valuable. Donald Trump might employ a large number of individuals, but this doesn't make him more valuable than someone who owns a small local business. Production is not the sole reason for value. I'd be willing to bet that, if you did a poll on whether Henry Ford or Martin Luther King Jr. were more "valuable," it would be close.

But the bigger point is that it's really pointless to make these kinds of claims because there isn't any kind of objective quantity of value behind these figures. And when it comes to models such as Social Darwinism, you find that certain kinds of figures are valued/privileged over others. This isn't scientific, it's purely ideological.

What about the value of those that do not work and commit crime and/or exclusively use social benefits to support themselves? I'm not going to pretend that there's a realistic metric that can be used to quantify the value of each individual, just that some people are of less than zero value to society.

No, I don't find it unreasonable that children in impoverished households will act similarly to their parents. But here's where I have a problem:

Social Darwinism doesn't say that social conditions and circumstances will continue to influence the way that people behave - this is actually the leftist argument, that society has effects on how we behave.

Social Darwinism explains the poverty of families by saying they are somehow meant to be there, that there is something genetically inferior about them. That is pure hogwash and intellectual bankruptcy, and the field of epigenetics is not strong enough to substantiate such a view.

That's a leftist argument? I'm pretty sure plenty of religious conservatives oppose the availability of drugs, divorce, pornography, etc because of their (perceived) impact on society. Very few people believe that behavior is mostly or only inherited. I'm getting away from the term "social Darwinism" because I don't care about it; I'm talking about behaviors being heritable in a metaphorical sense. Moving away from the economic side of things, child rape victims disproportionately growing up to be rapists themselves would be another case.
I do not know what my IQ is, but I have been braindead pretty much my whole life. I talk and function pretty normally regardless.
When it comes to Abortion, a kid could be in the shittiest living condition and end up still being a productive succesfull person. Regardless the parents IQ,etc.. It's not any different than someone with a masters degree that is a leech and does not do anything besides leech off people and take out lones to pay for their shit. It's like upper class teens that drive around in their parents SUV and think their shit does not stink. Who really cares anyways. When it comes down to it you have to work 40,50 hours and week and have a work ethic regardless if you want anything and earn your own living, pay your rent or mortgage. Plenty of people are scumbags and it does not matter what they did or happened to them.
Bringing up your IQ is like throwing up a flag that says you're an idiot.

And loads of us managed to get straight As and degrees without doing much work, it doesn't mean shit.
I suspect you'd think it would mean "shit" if you were quoting some article correlating conservatism with lower IQs.
just sayin.

my last social darwinism post is unanswered btw

Because there's nothing to answer. It's pseudoscience, meaning the theory has already been proven wrong. Kaku can come along and say the same shit Ein said and you'd still be blind to see how it's flawed, so there's no point in arguing.

Also Gmd isn't a place to perpetuate nazism. That is ridiculous. Go to Storm front and leave that shit out of gmd.Moreover, Hitler would've had you and your people killed too so the fact that you praise him is fucking laughable. If you go to any European country you'd be an outsider too. They'd look at you the same way they look at other immigrants so get off your high horse. You can have an IQ of 128 (which I highly doubt you do) all you want but if you are incapable of basic people skills and getting people to trust and like you, it is a complete waste. This world is interdependent, so have fun in your 128 IQ bubble by your goddamn self.
The odds are in favor of arg having an IQ over 125. According to some research, gains in IQ over 125 correlate with rapidly decreasing social skills.
I don't really buy that. I think SJWs exaggerate the extent to which science is on their side.

R.A. Fisher disagreed with the UN resolution declaring human race to be none existent, for example and suggested it was politically motivated and to do with the problem of human's sharing resources "fairly".
Honestly if there was a new Hitler, aug and his fanny-pack wearing candy-ass would be the first to go. So good job aug. :lol:
not the same hitler, but an anti-poor, anti-refugee, anti-illegals, anti-welfare, anti-healthcare, pro-abortion, pro-male, pro-capitalism, pro-business hitler with the same genocidal willpower but not motivated by race or religion (although inevitably large numbers of certain races and religions will be wiped out, but not because of that but because of their social status) but economic prosperity for the middle class and higher. the greater good for the deserving. that's the kind of hitler we need. if i had an army, billions of dollars, nukes, poison, biological weapons etc, it'd be me

You're seriously advocating genocide. Wow. That pretty much makes you a POS tbh.