The afterlife thread

what you do in this world, good or bad, doesnt matter because when you're dead you're dust

but death is fine, no pain or suffering, it's scary from the point of view of ceasing to exist and losing all that you know, but when it comes you'll be too dead to care
Nobody ever knows until death itself. The likelihood of a human-conceived fantasy is pretty low though, I lean towards our ultimate irrelevence. Unless you consider being a small speck of recycled matter among many relevant.

That being said, a lot of weird shit happens, and I blame wormholes. Or my personal status as The Chosen One.
arg your actions in life may still matter to the people they affected or still affect. Your stream of consciousness may cease to exist, but it was never everything in the first place. I'll explain that point. Imagine you were raised in some advanced incubation by robots that all self destructed after you were weaned and they'd left you enough food to get into pubescence. You're stuck on earth like that, with nobody, not even a robot, nothing made made is there at all. Nobody ever teaches you anything, nothing that would require the interaction of another human for you to understand is known to you.

That is not life as we know it, you would naturally resist pain and death, as a living thing, but would you care about that life as much as your own, real life?

Furthermore, would you be able to survive and live happily, if you were transported to a different historical period? Are there historical periods and locations you could not survive in?

The value of life is, once we intellectualize it, attached to our specific culture and the people around us. That's what I think anyway. Maybe I'm just depressed.

I don't know if my points are clear here. Basically life is valuable to intellectual humans because of the specific elements of the society they are in. Without any society or other humans, or with an especially ill-fitting one, it may cease to be valuable to such people. I think this partly makes it rational to care about your effect on people beyond the grave.
life is probably more pleasant if you're not considered an asshole by others, so although it doesnt matter, generally it's better to be nice.

yes from a societal perspective life has value beyond death, like those of aristotle, einstein and martin luther king, or every rich father that dies and leaves a large inheritance to their children. but it doesnt change the fact that they're not around to appreciate the fruit of their hard work. it's valuable to everyone EXCEPT THEM cuz they're gone!

life is valuable to one's personal self only when you still have it! so the best way to spend it is the continual pursuit of all the pleasures the world has to offer ie fucking whores
I think it's just something that only makes sense after something has kind of pushed you out of your rhythm of life and look back at it all, as well as wondering about decisions you've made or will make.
I think it's just something that only makes sense after something has kind of pushed you out of your rhythm of life and look back at it all, as well as wondering about decisions you've made or will make.

Oh really alright sure.
I keep reading up about a load of stuff that never used to interest me, partially just to give my head some clarity and perspective.