Is there any chance Circus Maximus doesn't play PP IX?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Given Glenn's fondness for this band, the forum's fondness for this band, a new disc forthcoming, the fact that they're on Sensory and what seems to be a lack of Prog bands who draw, is there any shot these guys don't wind up in a three slot next year?

It seems Circus Maximus is destined to become the new Evergrey based on promoter/forum love.


N.P. - "Glory of the Empire"
Well, I certainly hope they play. They're one of the few bands that would make my trip to Atlanta worth alone, just by themselves. Can't wait to see this band again.
Circus Maximus is the one band i wouldn't mind seeing every year, and yes i can see them as either a #3 slot or maybe even a co-headliner. Then again why not a headliner at the Showcase, or maybe I will bring them in as the Headliner for the little Festival down in Texas.
The thing is, I really enjoy the band. I would love to see them live again, however, I wish that ProgPower wasn't the only vehicle for getting them to the States. I think I'd rather see them on tour with someone in their same vein.
I think I'd rather see them on tour with someone in their same vein.
Here's the problem... promoters don't tend to build tours, in the states, around bands in the same vein. For instance, what would be the point in having a Vanden Plas / Circus Maximus / Zero Hour tour. Chances are, the same people who would go see one, would go see the others. To that end, the promoter gained nothing at the door by having three bands on the bill. However, he now has to pay three bands. This is why Metalcore and Metal acts often tour together. It allows the promoter to draw from two separate demographics.

Unfortunately for Prog Metal, at this moment in time, there just isn't a great deal of people who will sow up for a Prog show in the states. Sad, but true.

I think they should wait a year and follow the 2 between rule (yes I know it would be 2 between their appearance at the main festival). They are a great band but playing at the festival in general 3 out of 4 years is a tad much for only having 2 albums.

Especially when you start adding up all the bands that people mention wanting to have at the festival at least -once-,
Here's the problem... promoters don't tend to build tours, in the states, around bands in the same vein. For instance, what would be the point in having a Vanden Plas / Circus Maximus / Zero Hour tour. Chances are, the same people who would go see one, would go see the others. To that end, the promoter gained nothing at the door by having three bands on the bill. However, he now has to pay three bands. This is why Metalcore and Metal acts often tour together. It allows the promoter to draw from two separate demographics.

Unfortunately for Prog Metal, at this moment in time, there just isn't a great deal of people who will sow up for a Prog show in the states. Sad, but true.


That is one of the truest statements ever made on this forum. It gripes my azz that it is true. What can be done to correct it???? Well, if there were a handful of up and coming promoters that were willing to put their ass on the line, and also their checkbooks then that would be a start, and fortunetly there are a few and maybe between us we can get some changes made. This will, i know be a long process but it has started, and i just hope that the few that are doing it don't get discourged. Thanks to Glenn for giving some of us the guts and balls to take on this challenge.
I think that is definitely true for the most part BUT sometimes you get several bands together of the same genre and fans who dont like one of the bands may like another. For instance. Dream Theater is touring with Redemption and Into Eternity. Some people are down on DT but would kill to see IE or Redemption.
That is one of the truest statements ever made on this forum. It gripes my azz that it is true. What can be done to correct it???? Well, if there were a handful of up and coming promoters that were willing to put their ass on the line, and also their checkbooks then that would be a start, and fortunetly there are a few and maybe between us we can get some changes made. This will, i know be a long process but it has started, and i just hope that the few that are doing it don't get discourged. Thanks to Glenn for giving some of us the guts and balls to take on this challenge.

I've often wondered and been frustrated by the choices promoters/labels make for which bands to pair on tours. I'd be willing to put my checkbook on the line ... if only I had a more money. We don't need another Jack expecting bands to play for free and I would never want to do that to any band, so I guess I'll have to wait until I have a least a little more money.
I say John gets them for Madfest headlining or Glenn has them in a 3 or 4 min.

:danceboy: :Smug: :Smug: :headbang:

There is only one way I would get them to play next year and that is IF Glenn is not considering them for ProgPower. Now if he is not considering them, then hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i might just do that, but that is something i would need to discuss with him.
Given Glenn's fondness for this band, the forum's fondness for this band, a new disc forthcoming, the fact that they're on Sensory and what seems to be a lack of Prog bands who draw, is there any shot these guys don't wind up in a three slot next year?

It seems Circus Maximus is destined to become the new Evergrey based on promoter/forum love.


N.P. - "Glory of the Empire"

All signs point to YES. Therefore, I say that they won't. I've given up trying to predict Glenn :)

Steve in Philly

P.S. - I certainly wouldn't mind having them back in a #3 spot.
I say bring them back even if only to play an all-acoustic set on the sidewalk as everyone is waiting to get into Center Stage! :lol:

Seriously though, if Glenn would only put them in a #3 or #4 slot in a return for PPUSA IX, I'd rather my pal John get them to play Texas Madfest II as a headliner. I'd love to see what they would/could do on stage for 2+ hours!

P.S. (Off topic) Every time I see DarkOne and Dark One post on here I immediately think of that SNL skit "cork soakers" and when that one guy says "I lika to soaka the dark ones!"
...Well, if there were a handful of up and coming promoters that were willing to put their ass on the line, and also their checkbooks then that would be a start, and fortunately there are a few and maybe between us we can get some changes made. This will, i know be a long process but it has started, and i just hope that the few that are doing it don't get discouraged. Thanks to Glenn for giving some of us the guts and balls to take on this challenge.

:kickass: that's me - putting my ass on the line for the metal fans of Atlanta! :cool:

let's just hope I don't lose it. :cry:
Here's the problem... promoters don't tend to build tours, in the states, around bands in the same vein. For instance, what would be the point in having a Vanden Plas / Circus Maximus / Zero Hour tour. Chances are, the same people who would go see one, would go see the others. To that end, the promoter gained nothing at the door by having three bands on the bill. However, he now has to pay three bands. This is why Metalcore and Metal acts often tour together. It allows the promoter to draw from two separate demographics.

Unfortunately for Prog Metal, at this moment in time, there just isn't a great deal of people who will sow up for a Prog show in the states. Sad, but true.


Not to mention they would yet again bypass the entire Southeast,the passover state,ect.
At least if they play the festivals I can arange to be where a band like this is playing