Circus Maximus - Coming To A Town Near You

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002

Circus Maximus are one of progressive metal’s brightest stars. With the release of their latest album Isolate, we wanted to get their thoughts on the music, touring, and what life is like for a prog band living in a black metal world.

Your latest effort, Isolate, came out in September. What are the reactions so far?

I am very pleased with all the feedback we have got so far. Although the album is somewhat different than the 1st one it seems that people really appreciate Isolate. We are very proud of the album and we feel tighter and closer a band than ever. So I can, on behalf of the band, say that we are overwhelmed by all the great responses from fans and the media.

It looks like you’re playing a couple of the ProgPower fests. Do you prefer these types of shows over touring?

Well...touring needs a lot more planning and of course it costs a lot of money. Playing these festivals is something we see as a necessary thing to do. Because we love to do it and we always meet the most die hard music-interested people. They so appreciate what you do and that is very inspiring. We have a US tour coming up the in March '08. Except from playing PPUSA twice, this is the first tour in the US. That is something we are really forward doing and it will be a rich experience for the band. In fact, it will be our first tour ever and ergo it will definitely bring us to another level as musicians.

How did you get hooked up with Circle II Circle and Manticora?

Lars, the singer of Manticora works with Intromental Management and I guess you have the link right there.

The definition of the word progressive is “moving forward; advancing”. Do you think progressive rock/metal is still moving forward? Or has it just become another stagnant genre?

It is most definitely moving forward. I believe everything is starting to melt more or less together. I think metal is becoming a more experimental genre than ever.

What do you think about bands pushing metal into the avant-garde?

It is needed in music to have bands like that. That's what inspires people to new grounds. Sometimes some band comes out does something you´ve never thought of, never heard before! I am always blown away by that.

Since you guys are from Norway, you’ve probably come across a lot of black metal. Do you enjoy it?

No way around that! Hehe. I enjoy some of the bands but I generally never listen to black metal. Few stand out as interesting to me.

Does the band go to Elm Street and hang out with the other guys in the Oslo metal scene?

Hehe. Elm Street rarely play that much metal! Or at least what I´ve heard. If we are out drinking and partying we usually end up at a place called Rockin.

Is there much of a scene for progressive and power metal in Norway?

It is absolutely not that much of a scene for that kind of music in Norway. If mainstream people think of who represents metal from Norway the first thing on their mind would be a black metal band. We have some small groups, though, that are really into more melodic and progressive music that gives us a lot of support.

Are there any rising stars from Norway that we should be looking out for?

There are always some unknown gems hiding in the forests of Norway! Except for the annual "Norwegian Idol" albums, we have, at least within the melodic progressive genre, a band called Illusion Suite. They are good friends of ours and they are currently working on their debut album!

What can we expect from Circus Maximus in the future?

The US tour, videos and a lot more shows outside Norway. We are very psyched at the moment and we are already playing around with new stuff that sounds really great! Can't wait the get back into the studio.

Thanks for doing this for us. We really appreciate it and I’m sure the sites owner will be anxious to read this. He’s a bit of a fan.

Thank you for taking your time and asking me. I appreciate it a lot and keep up the good work! Hail to the owner!

Official Circus Maximus Website
Official Sensory Website
I hope that tour plays more dates than I seen so far because I want to see that line up so bad!!! San Francisco has to be on the tour damnit!! :D
if the cactus club were still open, the tour would probably go there! but i imagine the DNA will get the show.

(i'm fron norcal btw...)
They've backed out of the tour now :(

"It is with deep regret that I announce that Circus Maximus have canceled
their upcoming North American tour. This decision was made only
yesterday by the band after receiving an offer to participate on a high
profile European tour that interferes with the logistics of the North
American tour. I would like to apologize profusely to the fans and
promoters that have supported our efforts in booking this tour. Both
Hoyt (Booking Director) and I have worked extremely hard over these past
few months to make this tour a reality. We are more disappointed,
disillusioned, and frustrated than anyone regarding the recent turn of
events. I'm afraid that I will not comment further on the situation
out of my professional responsibility.

Glenn Harveston
Intromental Management"