Is this a reunion????


There's Only 1 thraxhead
Aug 11, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
I'm not so sure. I don't know what to make of this, actually. But I would like to take a trip down memory lane, if anyone cares to read, because some perspective is definitely warranted here.

June 19, 1988. This is the date that I first heard Anthrax, on a shitbox little tape of I'm the Man that my cousin had. It was the live version, and I was hooked. OK, so on with Among the Living, Spreading the Disease, and the God-awful State of Euphoria. Anthrax was my band ... when all others around me wanted Guns n' Roses, Dee-Lite, and later on the grunge slop.

Ah yes, the grunge slop. From November 1991 until the summer of 1993, all I heard about was "the music revolution has now begun" and "metal has died". I even refused to listen to Anthrax because they changed lead singers mid-flight, as if Joey had not carried any more relevance because of his quasi-operatic approach. At the time, I could blame Joey for the turd-like status of State of Euphoria, and even some of the stuff he pulled on Persistence of Time induced vomit as well.

But I liked Joey. As I said ... Anthrax was my band, their classic stuff was superb, even if the live presence circa 1990 wasn't as intense as 1987.

Then a friend of mine cornered me one day and said I have to listen to Sound of White Noise. I didn't care, but I thought I would plug it in (I hadn't even heard "Only" on the radio at this time). As the music that blared out of my speakers, "Potter's Field", "Only", "Hy-pro-fucking-glo!!!" ... a new energy to this band suddenly emerged, and by this point in time a revelation had hit me like a passenger jet.

Face it people, most metal standards from the 80's started sucking wind in the early 90's with more slickly produced garbage. Metallica? Megadeth anyone? "Just like the Pied Piper, led rats through the streets?" ... I don't think so. Fates Warning and Queensryche were in a race to see who could rip off Rush more. Testament slammed us with Souls of Black and The Ritual, the two worst moves in their career. And then Overkill, skull crushers extraordinaire, leave us with ... I Hear Black.

It was Anthrax that gave a middle finger salute to Metallishit, Megalosers, and the rest of the grunge bunch, MTV included, by saying "fuck you, this is our new sound, and don't listen and don't play it if you don't like it". Sound of White Noise was a breath of fresh air to those were so sick of dick-rock in the early 90's like the Cranberries, Garbage, and Hole. And it was also a guiding light to those who were in high school (like I was) between 1991 and 1995, when the metal faithful were very few and far between. It gave me a reason to say "fuck you" to those who were so desperately trying to convince me that Anthrax went the way of the Dodo bird, and that alternative (popular alternative??) was the future.

Now, as I sit here, at age 27, not so angry anymore, I am wondering what kind of polite "fuck you" statement Anthrax is trying to make. Is this a "fuck you" to their fans? To MTV? How about to another, perhaps younger (more deserving?) band that might have played Ozzfest instead? I'm not sure. Was their reason for doing this so that Ozzfest Inc. would pick them up on the next bill, only if they rejoined with their classic lineup? Is Sharon calling the shots in Anthrax these days? Perhaps telling them what their setlist should be, maybe?

Some questions have no answers.

But I will say this. Tour footage shows Anthrax on the Among the Living tour just destroying things. Tearing up the stage, ripping through songs, and basically just punishing people. The energy was unmistakable. Tour footage from the Persistence of Time tour show Anthrax (with the exception of Scott, maybe, and some hair flinging by Frankie) as a band that is tired of touring, tired of performing, and apparently of singer tired of singing, as Joey liked to let the audience do most of the vocals to rest his peace pipes, apparently. They looked bored.

I'm not sure if they are trying to get that kind of energy back into the band, or maybe just doing it to stroll down dinosaur lane. But if that Ozzfest rumor was true (and now they're not going out with Ozzfest?), and if that's the reason they did this, then the only ones who should be getting a "fuck you" is Anthrax. And this one should come from the fans themselves.

I'll hold judgement until further evidence is brought forth. But I think those expressions on the band's faces during those reunion pictures says it all.

Happy trails.

thraxhead (for 17 years now)
Th ereunion has sparked my interest in Anthrax again. I couldn't get into there shit from SOWN on. Even that last album that was supposed to be so bad ass bored me. If anything, I am excited to see the classic line-up live again.
Ive seen both lineups live and if Bush isn't part of it ,I will not support the group........
Well Im 33.

An old twat ...I know....haha

But I saw them on every Joey Tour!!! and Ive seen Them 4 Times with Bush...Would have seen them more if they would have come a bit Nearer!!!

And I agree.....On P.O.T. Tour they were the worst I saw them. S.O.E. 2nd worst.

A.T.L Great.

WCFYA.......Fucking Mega!!!!! one of the best live bands I have seen in a small venue!!! No Props No Gimmicks Just Pure Metal at its Best!!!!

Im going to see them In Glasgow this time which Is a 3 hour Drive ......But Im afraid I think its not going to live up to what a lot of Guys in the forum think.

Do you think its the eighties again?????? Plus I remember Dan Spitz Getting his arse Ripped out By Alex Skolnick on the ATL tour when Testament opened for them at the Newcastle City Hall!!! and Anybody who plays the guitar will tell you That Dan is No Great Shakes on the axe so why is everybody looking forward to seeing him.

Let him keep to making Clocks or posing in Shit Sunglasses and baggy Jeans...He seems to do that best.......Oh and How bad does Joey Look in the new pics......I dont want to see my Auntie or Gran singing for Anthrax!!!...Sorry!!!!


thraxhead said:
I'm not so sure. I don't know what to make of this, actually. But I would like to take a trip down memory lane, if anyone cares to read, because some perspective is definitely warranted here.

June 19, 1988. This is the date that I first heard Anthrax, on a shitbox little tape of I'm the Man that my cousin had. It was the live version, and I was hooked. OK, so on with Among the Living, Spreading the Disease, and the God-awful State of Euphoria. Anthrax was my band ... when all others around me wanted Guns n' Roses, Dee-Lite, and later on the grunge slop.

Ah yes, the grunge slop. From November 1991 until the summer of 1993, all I heard about was "the music revolution has now begun" and "metal has died". I even refused to listen to Anthrax because they changed lead singers mid-flight, as if Joey had not carried any more relevance because of his quasi-operatic approach. At the time, I could blame Joey for the turd-like status of State of Euphoria, and even some of the stuff he pulled on Persistence of Time induced vomit as well.

But I liked Joey. As I said ... Anthrax was my band, their classic stuff was superb, even if the live presence circa 1990 wasn't as intense as 1987.

Then a friend of mine cornered me one day and said I have to listen to Sound of White Noise. I didn't care, but I thought I would plug it in (I hadn't even heard "Only" on the radio at this time). As the music that blared out of my speakers, "Potter's Field", "Only", "Hy-pro-fucking-glo!!!" ... a new energy to this band suddenly emerged, and by this point in time a revelation had hit me like a passenger jet.

Face it people, most metal standards from the 80's started sucking wind in the early 90's with more slickly produced garbage. Metallica? Megadeth anyone? "Just like the Pied Piper, led rats through the streets?" ... I don't think so. Fates Warning and Queensryche were in a race to see who could rip off Rush more. Testament slammed us with Souls of Black and The Ritual, the two worst moves in their career. And then Overkill, skull crushers extraordinaire, leave us with ... I Hear Black.

It was Anthrax that gave a middle finger salute to Metallishit, Megalosers, and the rest of the grunge bunch, MTV included, by saying "fuck you, this is our new sound, and don't listen and don't play it if you don't like it". Sound of White Noise was a breath of fresh air to those were so sick of dick-rock in the early 90's like the Cranberries, Garbage, and Hole. And it was also a guiding light to those who were in high school (like I was) between 1991 and 1995, when the metal faithful were very few and far between. It gave me a reason to say "fuck you" to those who were so desperately trying to convince me that Anthrax went the way of the Dodo bird, and that alternative (popular alternative??) was the future.

Now, as I sit here, at age 27, not so angry anymore, I am wondering what kind of polite "fuck you" statement Anthrax is trying to make. Is this a "fuck you" to their fans? To MTV? How about to another, perhaps younger (more deserving?) band that might have played Ozzfest instead? I'm not sure. Was their reason for doing this so that Ozzfest Inc. would pick them up on the next bill, only if they rejoined with their classic lineup? Is Sharon calling the shots in Anthrax these days? Perhaps telling them what their setlist should be, maybe?

Some questions have no answers.

But I will say this. Tour footage shows Anthrax on the Among the Living tour just destroying things. Tearing up the stage, ripping through songs, and basically just punishing people. The energy was unmistakable. Tour footage from the Persistence of Time tour show Anthrax (with the exception of Scott, maybe, and some hair flinging by Frankie) as a band that is tired of touring, tired of performing, and apparently of singer tired of singing, as Joey liked to let the audience do most of the vocals to rest his peace pipes, apparently. They looked bored.

I'm not sure if they are trying to get that kind of energy back into the band, or maybe just doing it to stroll down dinosaur lane. But if that Ozzfest rumor was true (and now they're not going out with Ozzfest?), and if that's the reason they did this, then the only ones who should be getting a "fuck you" is Anthrax. And this one should come from the fans themselves.

I'll hold judgement until further evidence is brought forth. But I think those expressions on the band's faces during those reunion pictures says it all.

Happy trails.

thraxhead (for 17 years now)
I'm 33 too.

I'll be at the Glasgow show. Part of me wil be 16 again and part of me will be standing with it's arms folded in cynicism.

Reunion indeed. What was wrong with the old onion?
thraxhead said:
I'm not so sure. I don't know what to make of this, actually. But I would like to take a trip down memory lane, if anyone cares to read, because some perspective is definitely warranted here.

June 19, 1988. This is the date that I first heard Anthrax, on a shitbox little tape of I'm the Man that my cousin had. It was the live version, and I was hooked. OK, so on with Among the Living, Spreading the Disease, and the God-awful State of Euphoria. Anthrax was my band ... when all others around me wanted Guns n' Roses, Dee-Lite, and later on the grunge slop.

Ah yes, the grunge slop. From November 1991 until the summer of 1993, all I heard about was "the music revolution has now begun" and "metal has died". I even refused to listen to Anthrax because they changed lead singers mid-flight, as if Joey had not carried any more relevance because of his quasi-operatic approach. At the time, I could blame Joey for the turd-like status of State of Euphoria, and even some of the stuff he pulled on Persistence of Time induced vomit as well.

But I liked Joey. As I said ... Anthrax was my band, their classic stuff was superb, even if the live presence circa 1990 wasn't as intense as 1987.

Then a friend of mine cornered me one day and said I have to listen to Sound of White Noise. I didn't care, but I thought I would plug it in (I hadn't even heard "Only" on the radio at this time). As the music that blared out of my speakers, "Potter's Field", "Only", "Hy-pro-fucking-glo!!!" ... a new energy to this band suddenly emerged, and by this point in time a revelation had hit me like a passenger jet.

Face it people, most metal standards from the 80's started sucking wind in the early 90's with more slickly produced garbage. Metallica? Megadeth anyone? "Just like the Pied Piper, led rats through the streets?" ... I don't think so. Fates Warning and Queensryche were in a race to see who could rip off Rush more. Testament slammed us with Souls of Black and The Ritual, the two worst moves in their career. And then Overkill, skull crushers extraordinaire, leave us with ... I Hear Black.

It was Anthrax that gave a middle finger salute to Metallishit, Megalosers, and the rest of the grunge bunch, MTV included, by saying "fuck you, this is our new sound, and don't listen and don't play it if you don't like it". Sound of White Noise was a breath of fresh air to those were so sick of dick-rock in the early 90's like the Cranberries, Garbage, and Hole. And it was also a guiding light to those who were in high school (like I was) between 1991 and 1995, when the metal faithful were very few and far between. It gave me a reason to say "fuck you" to those who were so desperately trying to convince me that Anthrax went the way of the Dodo bird, and that alternative (popular alternative??) was the future.

Now, as I sit here, at age 27, not so angry anymore, I am wondering what kind of polite "fuck you" statement Anthrax is trying to make. Is this a "fuck you" to their fans? To MTV? How about to another, perhaps younger (more deserving?) band that might have played Ozzfest instead? I'm not sure. Was their reason for doing this so that Ozzfest Inc. would pick them up on the next bill, only if they rejoined with their classic lineup? Is Sharon calling the shots in Anthrax these days? Perhaps telling them what their setlist should be, maybe?

Some questions have no answers.

But I will say this. Tour footage shows Anthrax on the Among the Living tour just destroying things. Tearing up the stage, ripping through songs, and basically just punishing people. The energy was unmistakable. Tour footage from the Persistence of Time tour show Anthrax (with the exception of Scott, maybe, and some hair flinging by Frankie) as a band that is tired of touring, tired of performing, and apparently of singer tired of singing, as Joey liked to let the audience do most of the vocals to rest his peace pipes, apparently. They looked bored.

I'm not sure if they are trying to get that kind of energy back into the band, or maybe just doing it to stroll down dinosaur lane. But if that Ozzfest rumor was true (and now they're not going out with Ozzfest?), and if that's the reason they did this, then the only ones who should be getting a "fuck you" is Anthrax. And this one should come from the fans themselves.

I'll hold judgement until further evidence is brought forth. But I think those expressions on the band's faces during those reunion pictures says it all.

Happy trails.

thraxhead (for 17 years now)
This is scary, I'm 27 too. The same exact thing happened to me. A buddy named Bobby Rapp said, you have to give SoWN a try, and I was hooked.
thraxhead said:
It was Anthrax that gave a middle finger salute to Metallishit, Megalosers, and the rest of the grunge bunch, MTV included, by saying "fuck you, this is our new sound, and don't listen and don't play it if you don't like it". Sound of White Noise was a breath of fresh air to those were so sick of dick-rock in the early 90's like the Cranberries, Garbage, and Hole. And it was also a guiding light to those who were in high school (like I was) between 1991 and 1995, when the metal faithful were very few and far between. It gave me a reason to say "fuck you" to those who were so desperately trying to convince me that Anthrax went the way of the Dodo bird, and that alternative (popular alternative??) was the future.

Look, I'm the same age as you and I understand what you mean by "the metal faithful" and all...especially since I'm in a southern state - metal was deader than dead and I didn't care who made sport of me for listening to it.. but Anthrax didn't say "Fuck you" to MTv. MTv said "Fuck you" to Anthrax. So did eveyone else. Don't try to make them out to be the stuff of legend.

They had poor album sales b/c Metal died. Nobody wanted to hear it. I'm more than positive they didn't call up Jon Sencio (sp?) on HBB and tell him "Fuck you man, you support Nirvana and Soundgarden. Anthrax is out like Liberace. Suck our sacks. You're not worthy of playing our kick assed metal!"

You're livin' in a rebel dreamland. Wake up.