Is this good enough to re-amp?

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hey guys. Got myself a DI box, an active Alto DI1 which I used together with my amp to track a riff. However I have no idea how it's supposed to sound like to be good enough to use for reamping, so I thought I would upload it and let people who have a better idea take a listen.

That's the riff, take a listen and tell me if it's usable or not. Feel free to reamp if you feel like it, would be fun to hear it with someone elses sound!
I'll take a peek when I get home from work... however, you can check yourself, just make sure the waveform of your DI track does not clip, peaking around -3dB or so and it should be good to go. Only way to tell if it will sound right is by reamping it and comparing that to how the tone sounds with your guitar plugged in versus the DI going in. Was it tracked to a click or anything? If so, what was the tempo?

You need at least two takes I think...?? So why not to record it twice, align it by hand in DAW so they fit perfectly and then send both tracks to reamping... I think when it is not clipping, it is OK... I´m sure that someone who will do reamping will do the rest (right volume) for you IMHO...
All true, but you always want the original source to be loud enough without peaking otherwise when you just try to "turn it up" afterwards if the DI they used has added extra noise, then the signal/noise ratio is lower and you are amplifying the noise as well...more than you want to. So if the noise floor of the DI is fairly low, and the source (guitar) is low, then you have noisy takes when you turn it up to reamp it. But if the DI has a fairly low noise floor and the source is right (peaking at -3dB or so) then you will get a cleaner take.

I was asking about the tempo if it was done to a click because I'd be able to have some fun with it by programming some drums for it and hearing it in a mix :)

Yeah, 120 to a click. There was no clipping when I recorded that file, but there was on the first take. I then engaged the -20db switch on the DI and turned the volume up slightly on the input in the Inspire control panel, and I didn't hear any clipping. And the wave pattern in the daw wasn't clipping either (It wasn't before either though)

@ 006: I see, and I will definently remember that! Thanks!

@ Keiffer: Wow, thanks! I thought it sounded good, did you have any trouble reamping it?