Is this someone here?


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
I'm looking at my reputation points and I have a bunch with comments like "fuck you you hate Opeth".

I like Opeth, so stop saying I hate them. I just like some bands more than them. I have around 30 of these and they can't all be from one or two people. It's assholes like these people that give Opeth fans a bad name.

Steve420 said:
I'm looking at my reputation points and I have a bunch with comments like "fuck you you hate Opeth".

I like Opeth, so stop saying I hate them. I just like some bands more than them. I have around 30 of these and they can't all be from one or two people. It's assholes like these people that give Opeth fans a bad name.

Uhh, the reason you're getting bad rep is probably because you appear to actively hate opeth. Not just dislike them, or not like them so much. At every opportunity you seem to want to prove how much better other bands are, or how stupid opeth fans are for liking them so much.. and similar. Thats just from what i've seen over at the 'chat' forum, nothing major, just the appearance you give with some comments.

Giving someone bad rep for something like that is silly in itself, it certainly wasn't me. But i would assume the reason isnt because you dislike opeth (because you dont), but because you are attacking other people's tastes.
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How many does everyone here have?
I think I have 46. How many do the soon to be famous people have?

And if you don't want reputation, you can disable it in you user CP under options.
I'm still "soon to be famous" and I've been getting sooo many bad rep points for saying anything nowadays. It's ridiculous, though, people don't even have enough courage over the internet to say stupid childish things abroad on the internet forums because they don't want people to know how dumb they are so they use this feature to be cowardly so that no one can retaliate on their stupidity. I know I'll get bad rep for this but that's okay because I know the person who gives me bad rep is too cowardly to leave their name and will die a lonely painful death in a pool of shit blood and cum as they're anally raped and brutally murdered by the giant known to them as their self-hatred. :p

Knock yourselves out, fuckers! :cool:
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It was me, I'm sorry, I was bored, I did all of them.

Well, not really, but you could imagine. :p

Someone gave me negative points and put "Monkey say what" on it. I'm quite confused about that.
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Speedkill said:
Someone gave me negative points and put "Monkey say what" on it. I'm quite confused about that.

I usually click the links to the left of the comments to see what they were responding to. That should help clear things up. And I hardly EVER give out bad rep... and if I do I don't insert the snive little comments.
GreatPhoenix said:
I usually click the links to the left of the comments to see what they were responding to. That should help clear things up. And I hardly EVER give out bad rep... and if I do I don't insert the snive little comments.

I did check that, and I think I figured out who it was. But, whatever, not a big deal.
OK, either I overlooked my reputation points or I don't have any or whatever. Where the hell are they? Oh well, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have any. Maybe I should start posting 30 messages a day or something, so that people will start noticing me and give me reputation points.
GreatPhoenix said:
I'm still "soon to be famous" and I've been getting sooo many bad rep points for saying anything nowadays. It's ridiculous, though, people don't even have enough courage over the internet to say stupid childish things abroad on the internet forums because they don't want people to know how dumb they are so they use this feature to be cowardly so that no one can retaliate on their stupidity. I know I'll get bad rep for this but that's okay because I know the person who gives me bad rep is too cowardly to leave their name and will die a lonely painful death in a pool of shit blood and cum as they're anally raped and brutally murdered by the giant known to them as their self-hatred. :p

Knock yourselves out, fuckers! :cool:

I just gave you bad rep.
GreatPhoenix said:
I usually click the links to the left of the comments to see what they were responding to. That should help clear things up. And I hardly EVER give out bad rep... and if I do I don't insert the snive little comments.

I have some really immature, dickheadish comments in my rep box...I'm pretty sure at least one of them was from you...:err: